Clam Situation


No, I'm not a communist..
I've only had clams for about 6 months and my 2 maximas have been doing great. There has been significant growth and the mantle extension has always been good. For the last 3 days both of the clams have barely opened. They are not next to each other, nothing has stung them, my nitrates, phosphates and sg are all ideal and very stable. All other coral in the tank is doing fine. Something is off and the clammies are not happy. The only thing I've noticed that is different than the norm is that my ph has been getting into the high 8.5's for the last week. I believe my last batch of kalk was mixed too rich so the ph has been higher than the average 8.2 range.

I'm assuming this shift is making them upset but I'm not a clam expert and was wondering if anyone has any advice or things to look for that could be upsetting them...?
Eric, please share the rest of your parameters especially alk and calc and mag.

Oh yeah, they stay stay pretty stable with the kalk. I've checked them twice in the last 3 days since I noticed the clams.
Ca - 440
Alk - 7
Sg 1.026
Mg 1350
NO3 - 0
PO4 - undetectable w/ API test, but should be very low due to gfo.

I suppose in hindsight it couldn't have been an overdose of kalk because the only thing that is higher than normal is the ph. The Ca and Alk would have been higher if the kalk was too rich. (I think I was half asleep last night when I was speculating.)

I'll be doing a decent waterchange tonight. Any other thoughts....?
Have you inspected the clam. I noticed when mine had those little snails when it wasn't being normal. That clam didn't make it. Doubt same issue but worth a shot
I inspected visually as best I could. I noticed a tiny aptasia on one of them and removed it. However, both clams are having this issue and only one had the aptasia on it.
Clams are very strange creatures. One of mine just died the other day for no reason what so ever. The other clams were fine. Its one day it looks happy as a clam ;) the next day... dead.