clean up crew


New member
so im in need of a much stonger clean up crew getting green hair. been looking online where have people had success from or anyone know of a lfs with competative pricing to online i have a 105g tank not trying to drop 100 plus on some snails this week lol, or does anyone on here raise any they are trying to get rid of ?
Not a fan of reefs2go. Many members have reported a lot of DOA as well as incredibly TINY specimens. Another easy solution is I could give you 2/3 stomatella snails and they breed like rabbits on viagra. or a build your own fron liveaquaria would probably be your best bet.
Not a fan of reefs2go. Many members have reported a lot of DOA as well as incredibly TINY specimens. Another easy solution is I could give you 2/3 stomatella snails and they breed like rabbits on viagra. or a build your own fron liveaquaria would probably be your best bet.

i appreciate the snail offer but highland is a little bit of a hoke for me, thanks for the offer though much appreciated
i ended up getting some cleaners off ebay should be here in the next few days ill let you know how the order arrives and if its good i will post sellers name cause it was a good deal in my eyes i got 250 nassarius snails shipped for like $28