Cleaning old tank


I have a 24g jbj nano that has been in my garage for about a month since I took it down. Do you think it should be cleaned before I use it again? If so, recommended cleaning methods?

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Fill it with vinegar and water and let it sit for a day. The more vinegar you use in the mix, the less you have to work to clean it.
That was my original plan but then the vinegar needs to be cycled out. Isn't a fresh batch of saltwater pretty caustic in any event?

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I'm curious on this topic, since I have a 29 cube that will be my QT tank soon. I was also wondering what the best way was to clean it.
That was my original plan but then the vinegar needs to be cycled out. Isn't a fresh batch of saltwater pretty caustic in any event?

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Cycled out? Is the tank still full of water and sand?
Definitely vinegar. if you have a costco membership, you can get I believe 1.5 gallon jugs for under $3 I believe. I'm actually cleaning a lot of my old equipment right now myself with vinegar.