clown fed my anemone


New member
I just witnessed my clown fish grab the biggest chunk out of my daily Limpits feeding away from my large blue tang and run over and feed his anemone. Very cool. I knew this is why they are together but I have read more about clowns stealing from the anenome than actually feeding them in captivity. It is very cool to watch the clown with his buddy.
LOL!!! My clown tries to feed both BTA in my tank.. She is confused on which one is her home :screwy:

But its fun to see her go from one to the other.
I just witnessed my clown fish grab the biggest chunk out of my daily Limpits feeding away from my large blue tang and run over and feed his anemone. Very cool. I knew this is why they are together but I have read more about clowns stealing from the anenome than actually feeding them in captivity. It is very cool to watch the clown with his buddy.

That is so awesome, you should try and video that. I would love to see that.
Yes try to shoot a video. very cool, I had a clarkii and a huge green carpet and it would take chunks and feed it too. It would do it before it would eat itself.