Clown hosting hammer coral!!!

Awesomeness! Two of mine host my frogspawn forest. I love seeing them swimming through them and popping their heads out. My biggest clown host a anemone.
The back side of a rock on the back side of my tank host my clown pair. The fron of the rock has two 9"+ BTA on it, but the clowns prefer the dark depths of never being seen. B@stards.

Congrats [MENTION=2113]jrwoltman[/MENTION], more often than not it appears many clowns have no idea what wild clowns do.
We have a set who have chosen an Australian Peach wall hammer as their home. The coral still looks good but doesn't expand anywhere near the way it did before the clowns found it.
We had ine host a bubble coral rubbed it so much killed the coral and cut it self on the skeleton