clown tank reboot


Active member
so i have decided im jut not happy with my bio cube which i have called the clown tank. since im on vacation till after holiday im going to break this down. plans are to rip out the preexisting back wall making more room in display. i will drill three holes one 3/4 in middle near top for the dyi overflow and then two more 1/2 holes on each side for the returns eliminating the bulky powerheads . i will keep the black sand and live stock i already have but will add the 25 lbs of sweet dry rock i won for the raffle all should be done this week as long as i dont blow up the tank will post pics as i rebuild this should be fun eating up alot of my time wish me luck hope to start this tom sometime oh i got this idea from a tank build on youtube not creative enough to come up with this on my own!!!! lol
Is the glass thicker than the nanocube? I was being urged not to drill my nanocube due to thin glass possibly cracking. Are you just not worried about that at all?
not really i mean if it cracks then new tank in the picture or just stay at two and sell livestock hope it doesnt happen but well see
Yea b careful on drilling that tank. Ted had 3 24g nano cube tanks crack. And it didnt take much pressure. One cracked on it's own there glass is really thin. So b careful.
i drilled my tank .................................boom blew up .............................jk uploading pics now was pretty easy but i drill everyday at work just not glass feels a bit different



about how long it took for first hole

taking out back wall harder then drilling holes



just gotta take out the left over silicone



will have more as soon as it settles and light go up gonna hang from conduit as apposed from rope on ceiling
also pulled the rim off today not as easy as it seems but well worth it in my opinion i think i crashed it as well upon setting upo the sump i had to add water thought i took salt but took ro wife said nothing looks happy. and thinking since i just redid it everythying was shocked woke up and tested tank and looks something like this salinity 1.018 ph 7.8 mg 880 kh 7.6 ca 300 ouch did water change and will do another tom all corals seem pretty upset think i lost a cleaner pepermint chalice monti sixline and thats it i hope darn thats what i get