just added some more things to this lil guy picked up a few frags bought a mini chevron tang hes awsome 25 red legs 5 nassarius snails 3 emerald crabs and few more snails to come along with the platnum clowns this completes the stock list pics coming soon
I ask because I wouldnt want those fish jumping out of my tank. I have lost some sweet clowns to jumping and its not cool. I would get some netting from someone or BRS
hey you got any more frags you wanna sell me? those trumpets i got from you started doing bad like 2 weeks after i got them now theyre still in my tank but their skeleton is exposed only the center where their mouth is still soft n meaty. im just waiting to see if itll recover which i heard if theres some flow around it will. that red monti at first looked awesome and then died. the frogspawn is looking bad *** tho and the little piece that fell off is also doing alright. let me know what you got.