Clowns Spawned!

Sounds good Mike, I'll keep this thread updated when they are available. Crooks, I have a simple one made by a member on MOFIB I bought a while back. I'll snap some pics when I collect the larvae.

They were both picking tonight and the female has a voracious appetite. All good signs....No ovipositor yet, but then again I did not notice it last time either.
Beautiful clowns! I'm planning to buy a Picasso and one of Sissy's Onyx. I can't wait to see your babies! Congrats!
Thanks Cat!

Mike, the biggest factor to get them spawning is feeding often and feeding a large variety of foods, along with time. They need to bond, sometimes for years. Also, having a stable environment with peaceful tank-mates helps.
Sure enough, look what I came home to today:


A nice BIG spawn! Much better than last time. :D

I'll keep this thread updated with daily pics of the eggs.
They will be miniature replicas of the parents within a month or two. They take a while to get their stripes and color though.

They will be ready to go to their new homes in 7-8 months or so.
photos are great lets some see stuff they never seen before and what to look for if their fish spawn also interested in a pair
I'm glad to hear that you and others are benefiting from this Chris. Captive breeding is very important and may be the basis of our fish sources one day. Plus, it is a very rewarding experience. I'll add you to the list as well :)

Day 4

Day 5
Wow!!!Awesome combination,your female is GORGEOUS!!The male is a grade A specime aswell.The babies should have awesome coloration.Best of luck!

Put me down for a pair aswell.
Thanks Kimmie! Will do. I'll post a pic of the eggs when I get home tonight.

Thanks for the kind words Gus. I'll add you to the list as well. :)

Mike, they should be hatching out Sunday night. I'll be sure to document the process as well. They are housed in a 28 gallon with a ORA mandarin and a candy basslet.

You got it Chris!