I will be there as soon as it opens because I live very close to it and I have other plans in the afternoon. I may "lose track of time" and stick around to hear the guest speaker Marc Levenson at 12:30.
We are excited to be attending our first CMAS Swap! What's on your list?! :feedback:

The frags are in their glory and ready to make the trip to show themselves off! Stop by and don't hesitate to introduce yourselves! We look forward to meeting you!! :shakehands:
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So cool to see so many newbies coming!!! Make sure to get with some of us so you can learn from all our knowledge and have awesome success in this wonderful hobby!!
See you all there!

Entry price only $5 if you buy in advance
Clcik here!
We would like to express our appreciation to CMAS for having us at the swap!! We had a very enjoyable time! It was nice meeting new hobbyists!! For those who stopped by and made a purchase or a few, thank you! Enjoy your new additions! To those who brought the entire family, ie. the children, we hope the frags the kids received will do very well for them:0) We look forward to seeing all of you again at the next swap:0)
We would like to express our appreciation to CMAS for having us at the swap!! We had a very enjoyable time! It was nice meeting new hobbyists!! For those who stopped by and made a purchase or a few, thank you! Enjoy your new additions! To those who brought the entire family, ie. the children, we hope the frags the kids received will do very well for them:0) We look forward to seeing all of you again at the next swap:0)

Want to thank you guys for the great frags. They opened up right away and are looking great. My daughter is very excited to watch hers grow! Thanks again!
BNARC had a great time ..... part of our fun is being trapped in the van for hours getting to know one was a fun ride up and great to get to see so many friends among the vendors and attendees. I took a couple of raffle items home and some very nice corals. I appreciate the two shops aquapros and reefwise who extended their hours so we could visit their shops after the event. I had BNARC members who had never visited chicagoland shops before and they loved the two shops we were able to visit as well as those at the event.
i think i will have to start going to these swaps. Ive been going to the cichlid swaps for a couple years in search of discus and plants. Now i am getting the itch to do a reef tank
Had a great time seeing new faces, I think the swap was pretty awesome lots of people came out, it was great seeing other Clubs from different area come out a have a good time, want to thank the BNARC Club, WRC Club and the INDMAS Club for all coming out and showing some love to the CMAS organization. :thumb: