CMAS Frag Swap Link to purchase a booth and Tickets!


New member
Here it is:

The layout and info is at the Bottom of the Website.

Price for kids 12 & under = Free

Price for CMAS Member Entry = Free

Price for Non-Member = $15.00 (At Door)

Presale tickets for Non-members = $10.00 (up to 72 hours before the start of the event)

Coral Cutting Class Cost:

$10.00 Per Person (15 people max per Class)

Class 1 at 11:00am

Class 2 at 3:00pm

*****Sign up for Coral Cutting Class via Eventbrite *************

Raffle tickets price each = $1.00
As a potential vendor, I'd be willing to pay more for a booth if there were fewer of us; the May Swap in the Odeum had far too many vendors for my liking, and even Jason thought that there was too much competition.
As a potential vendor, I'd be willing to pay more for a booth if there were fewer of us; the May Swap in the Odeum had far too many vendors for my liking, and even Jason thought that there was too much competition.

I think you will see more people turn out to these events if there is a large variety of coral available. I understand from a venders point of view that you don't want to come home with too many corals, but ultimately if you have the best product at a fair price I don't think you will be going home with too many corals. I think having more competition drives the prices down to where it should be.
Just a suggestion cut down the number of Vendors I think 24 is way to many IMO

As a potential vendor, I'd be willing to pay more for a booth if there were fewer of us; the May Swap in the Odeum had far too many vendors for my liking, and even Jason thought that there was too much competition.

That might help the vendors but would make things less enjoyable for the consumers. More competition = lower prices and more variety.