CMAS Frag Swap March 12th

So all of these post and no one said where it is. I'm new to this forum and I would love to go to a swap meet but never heard of one in the chicagoland area. Where is it? and what is it called?
So all of these post and no one said where it is. I'm new to this forum and I would love to go to a swap meet but never heard of one in the chicagoland area. Where is it? and what is it called?

Here is the info:

Saturday, March 12, 2011
12:00 PM – 4:30 PM
Location: VFW Post - 431 N. Neltnor (Rte 59) in West Chicago, IL is there website to get information or can join. They except online credit card payment for membership sign up. You don't have to be a member to join just pay a entrance fee.Read up on this they have great raffles and give away and different seminars on reefing and products. NOTE: must be a member to attend seminars.
P.S. need to find someone real quick to make up some buttons with logo for the swap meet!
I'll be there for sure. Let me know about the bumper stickers and shirts. I'll try to spread the word the best I can.
Here's what I'm bringing to the swap:

In addition to the Jcigar's Orange Sherbet chalice, I just fragged my Sunset monti & will be fragging some larger pieces of Superman. I'm also bringing some of my famous, special...

Tulip anemones!!!


Orange Sherbet:



Clove polyps (go great with the chalice):

Leather frags:

Bright green giant protopalys:

Sunset monti

Superman monti
Can't wait guys!! Looks like there will be some amazing stuff
I will try to work on some business cards so we can distribute them if allowed
Hello/ addievandy here I would like to know where this frag swap is ? the location? New to this sit so any help would be great,and yes still working on computer skills. I have a 220gal reef tank. 45 octagon salt. 150 freshwater. 40 gal salt preditor tank just starting this tank this tank. 90 gal angel fish tank. 2 hospital tanks fresh and salt. 30 gal gold fish tank. I have good amount of small corals and more than a few fish in all the tanks fresh and salt .
Thank you for the info about the swap! DO you know anyone from my location Winnebago IL looking to sell corals or fish other than the local pet shops?I some Time find stuff on craigs list.
Thanks I heard there is a cost to join that club But I will check it out again thank you. would like to seed some pic of my fish room but Iam just not to good at the computer I have a camara.I would like to show it off. Still I am all ways working on makeing more improvements.and again thank you for the help.