Computer opinions


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Well after a 2 year dry spell I took my regs and bcd in for servicing because we are going on a cruise this winter and I will get to dive! I am looking to upgrade to a wireless wrist computer. Does anyone have any suggestions or thoughts/experience with these. Seems there are a lot of different ones with options. Anyone have opinions? Also best place to purchase? Thanks
it's funny about hose less (wire less) because 1/2 my instructors like them 1/2 say the same thing as poidog. So what to do with making the decisions? I would think that with the choices for hose less andcompanies willing to go wireless/hoseless that they did extensive testing on this. Do you sign a disclaimer when you buy the hose less and it says you cant sue for it not transmitting? I think if it's on the market and for the cost that the testing on it is solid, otherwise you wouldn't be seeing it sold. My only question is what is powering the transmitter and what's the lifespan on that? Do they give battery levels on both the wrist and the transmitter so you know "hey dumbfuck change your **** batteries before you dive or else!"
not a fan personally but thats cause i'm a tech diver. for your average recreational diver they are fine, if the transmitter dies etc you thumb the dive. The other thing to think about is the transmitters are about 200-400 bucks by themselves and i've seen someone break theirs off. all about your comfort zone. Any other features you are looking for? nitrox? etc
I am not looking for nitrox or fancy bells and whistles. I am literally a recreation diver and seems lately I never have time to go.

Not sure but there has to a dummy proof battery meter of some sort!
barebones aeris or oceanic are good. I dislike the wristwatch style oceanics because the buttons are tricky to push in gloves, but if you rarely wear them its not a problem. If you wanted something really neat the liquivision has a hoseless comp now, oled screen so no messing with backlighting. Once you dive an oled computer you will never want to go back to the low contrast lcd types :-D