

What kind of crabs do you have in your reef tank? And do they seem to be coral friendly?

I am thinking about adding a crab to my reef tank. I have always had them in my FOWLR tanks and they are always a huge help in the CUC. However, people keep telling me that they can't be trusted in a reef tank, especially with zoas and mushrooms. I don't plan on adding many fish, maybe a couple of clowns eventually, but I want some life in the tank for now besides my snails.

I was looking at an emerald crab, since he would also do double duty with my current hair algae outbreak. But they also seem like an interesting reef inhabitant to watch.

I have Jade, Dwarf white leg, Blue leg hermit crabs and Emerald crabs in my 75 gal with no issues and I have zoas and mushrooms as well.
Whatever type live they are in mine, So many different types i have no clue on there names and don't know were 70% of them came from lol
I do have couple of Emerald crabs,no issues so far,but I heard once they get bigger they might be trouble.Also have about dozen hermit crabs and some acro crabs as well.
They're great when they're small but they will eat softies when they get big! There's usually one that will grow really big, he'll kill the others too!

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I have an Emerald Crab and I think he dined on a few of my smaller Zoas. :(

After about half of a 40+ polyp colony of la laker zoas got munched, my emerald got banned to the fish only timeout tank. The Sally lightfoot has been my only reliable crab in my reef so far to not eat corals.
they say no crab is "safe". they are opportunistic feeders, and if they don't have enough food in the system, they munch on people's zoas.

i have 1 mythrax red crab, and I haven't seen him in a couple months, means nothing because my rock has a ton of hiding area, but lets be honest, hes dead. I also have 2 HHer hermits, one of which is changing shells every other day, comical but i guess i don't have a shell he likes.