Crued's Frag Pack Giveaway!!


Premium member
I can't be any happier to announce yet another giveaway hosted on CR, but offered by the a great reefer [MENTION=3095]Crued[/MENTION]. He's offered up 3 giveaways for CR, each with a $250 dollar value!

This giveaway is for a $250 Frag pack with FREE SHIPPING!

View attachment 14973

Our frag packs contain EXACTLY the same selection of stunning corals from our website.
We obtain excess stocks of these same corals from our captive grown coral suppliers and mix-n-match to give you a great variety of colors.
No duplicates. You get the same size corals also. No micro-frags.
Feel free to order additional corals you must have...we will not duplicate these in the frag pack...again, no duplicates!
Add more corals...not additional shipping charges!

This Frag Pack includes 20 frags of different aquacultured SPS (small polyped stony), LPS (large polyp stony) and soft (zoanthid, paly, sinularia, nepthia, etc.) corals, excluding chalices. The assortment of corals will be a good mix of type (see our website corals for typical types) and color. This is a great deal as you will get 100% aquacultured corals at a low cost per frag including free shipping. Due to the sheer size of this frag pack there is a limited quantity available. We do pick which corals we include in the frag pack but feel free to send us a message and let us know what preferences you have and we will do our best to take them into consideration when choosing frags.

In order to qualify for this giveaway:

1. Have a min of 20 meaningful posts
2. Start a thread in the "Member's Reef tank" forum or update your existing thread between now and the drawing date OR start a new informative thread on anything Reef related (Examples include; Educational/Informative thread, LFS review, Product review, Fish or coral profile)
3. Share the ChicagoReefs Facebook announcing this Giveaway on your Facebook timeline ( I will verify 100% of the entries) Link to FB post;
4. Post on this thread a short story (only needs to be a couple sentences) The CRAZIEST thing you have ever done for this hobby.

See my example below!

Winner will be announced on January 28th!
Good luck everyone!
How to enter;

Make sure you have 20 meaningful posts


Update your Members reef tank thread, or start a new one (see details in post #1)


Let us know you shared the Facebook post (Here's a link to the FB post)
IF you don't social media at all, or don't facebook, just have someone you know share the page for you. Just link their FB post when you reply to enter the giveaway.


Write a short bit about The CRAZIEST thing you have ever done for this hobby.

My entry (I can't join but you'll get the idea:D )

I've shared the Facebook post!

I'd say the craziest thing was being late to my brother-in-laws wedding. A controller failure left the tank essentially helpless and unable to function. I found it about 5am on the morning we were getting on a plane to GA. I sent my wife and Uncle by themselves, sorted out the tank the best I could, flew out 2 days later and rented a seperate car. Arriving just in time to get on the last ferry to get to the island before the ceremony.
Ok, thread is open and ready for your entry! Bring on the stories...

IF you don't social media at all, or don't facebook, just have someone you know share the page for you.
It's all about sharing the site with the greater audience, seeing what other like minded people are out there who don't know about us.

Just link their FB post when you reply to enter the giveaway.
Wow, amazing giveaway, thank you for doing this!

1) Done

2) Done

3) Liked and shared

4) I'm going to give two: Crazy weird and crazy stupid

Weird: This may not be so weird to all of you, but to an outsider's perspective of the hobby it's pretty damn weird. That would be spending all night hunting bristle worms with a makeshift trap out of a empty small bottle of coke and bait. Also using a flashlight with a red gel filter in the dark to spot those ugly little critters.

Stupid: I feel like I do a new stupid thing in this hobby every week. But the most recent would be trying to hook my RODI up to my sink and screwing up the plumbing and having to have my apartment maintenance come and fix it lol.
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How about the facebookless people walk around and hand out fliers for the giveaway? Lol

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Shared on Facebook!
I would have to say the craziest thing i have done in this hobby is lie to my wife about how much i spend on almost everything.....matter of fact if she knew the true amount i am guessing she would be the one that would go crazy.

Thanks again for this giveaway, this frag pack would look good in my tank!
Make sure you have 20 meaningful posts - Done


Update your Members reef tank thread, or start a new one (see details in post #1) - Will do later tonight(1/15)


Let us know you shared the Facebook post (Here's a link to the FB post) - Done


Write a short bit about The CRAZIEST thing you have ever done for this hobby. - I'm not sure what the craziest thing I've ever done is. I mean I built my canopy by hand to house my LED fixtures, although it isn't really crazy. I have spent countless hours with a pair of tweezers hunting bristle worms though, so i guess I got that going for me.
1) Done

2) Done

3) Liked and shared

4) I upgraded from a 40b to a 93 cube to a 180 gallon within a year and a half. I now have two other builds going!

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