Crued's Frag Pack Giveaway!!


The craziest thing huh. Not to crazy.. Came home from being in the hospital for 2 months. Had 6 ribs, broken jaw, collapsed lung, and broken ankle. First thing I do when I walk in the house is notice something is not right with the tank. The water level was much higher then I could remember. Its a rimless tank by the way, and it was almost overflowing. Walk in Drop my walker, hopped my ass to the tank in major pain. Wife and Mom are yelling what the hell you doing you can walk blah blah blah. Turn the return pump off, got to work.. Yeah not so crazy, but I was in no shape to even move yet alone work on my tank. Felt good to see the tank after so long..

The craziest thing huh. Not to crazy.. Came home from being in the hospital for 2 months. Had 6 ribs, broken jaw, collapsed lung, and broken ankle. First thing I do when I walk in the house is notice something is not right with the tank. The water level was much higher then I could remember. Its a rimless tank by the way, and it was almost overflowing. Walk in Drop my walker, hopped my ass to the tank in major pain. Wife and Mom are yelling what the hell you doing you can walk blah blah blah. Turn the return pump off, got to work.. Yeah not so crazy, but I was in no shape to even move yet alone work on my tank. Felt good to see the tank after so long..

Thanks for sharing. Far too many of us would have done the exact same. It's a twisted hobby and obsession we have :D
Craziest thing I ever did in this hobby is my diy led light. Learning about LED's different light spectrums par and all the fun stuff.

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Everything is done other than craziest thing.

I had just set up an APEX since i started travelling a lot. I hadn't worked out all of the quirks yet and while i was in Canada i was receiving notifications on my phone that my tank was overfilling. I started freaking out. I had to have someone come into my house while i was gone just to make sure i wasn't flooding my basement lol. Come to find out i set the sensor to low in the sump and it was constantly being triggered lol.

Not really crazy but something that stuck out in my mind.
Done, done, and done.

Craziest thing I have done is driving 45 mins to pick up some zoas and then getting into a car accident on the way back and contemplated lying to my wife about why I was in the middle of nowhere....
Ok, probably not too crazy by most people's standards. Two years ago I saw a post on dendroboard for a 56 gallon reef ready tank while I was at work, for $120 with stand lights and canopy! I was at work at the time so I faked being sick and drove all the way to the Dells to pick it up so I wouldn't miss out on the deal :) BTW I don't work there any more but not because of that!

Oh, and I shared the post.
I haven't met the requirements because I'm a noob here, but this contest is awesome. My crazy story is letting my ex take care of the tank while I was I Afghanistan. I came home to an empty condo and half full reef. Stupid me.

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1) Check!
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4) The first time my sister in law and brother in law came to see our baby (about 5 days old), I left the house so I could go get my tank from the store. I had to take my niece with me, and I could barely get the stand and the tank to fit in the car with her in the back seat. I was pretty sure I was going to have to make two trips and be gone a good part of the day, but i was able to get it all to barely fit.
1) Check!
2) Updated recently
3) Shared
4) The first time my sister in law and brother in law came to see our baby (about 5 days old), I left the house so I could go get my tank from the store. I had to take my niece with me, and I could barely get the stand and the tank to fit in the car with her in the back seat. I was pretty sure I was going to have to make two trips and be gone a good part of the day, but i was able to get it all to barely fit.

Should of stuck her inside of the tank
Whoa this is mad decent of you guys!

Well for the story theres this, when i was still living at home my HOB protein skimmer was running pretty heavily for about a week at this point, well it turned out there was a blockage in the return line which caused a MASSIVE overflow of water onto the carpet below the tank! This being my bedroom i was freaking out, pretty sure my parents would have killed me at the time ahah. Well to make matters worse i go downstairs to grab towels etc to clean up the gross mess of skimmate and saltwater only to find saltwater dripping through the trim in the ceiling!!! I cleaned this all the best i could and took apart the skimmer and cleared the blockage all before my parents came home from work :P It was a close call but no one ever found out and no permanent damage was done to the house thank goodness.
done done and done ..

im in

well the craziest thing i have ever done was when i was a newbie ... had a biocube back them ... while doing a water change i thought the back chamber is too nasty and siphoned off all the water, then cleaned the glass and sand and then started filling back the water .. thats when i heard the sound sssssss and tup .. lol all this while i left the heater on and didnt realize it .. when water touched the heater it just sizzled and cracked.
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Almost missed this sweet deal. Fb shared
The craziest thing I've ever and will never do again was moving my first tank from our apartment to our first house years ago and being so ill prepared that I was up for over 24 hours moving fish and aquariums from one place to the other while having to clean the apt. From fish water. I managed and didn't lose one thing. The worst part though was my plumbing needless to say was horrendous!