Crued's Simplicity 240DC Skimmer Giveaway!


Premium member
I can't be any happier to announce yet another giveaway hosted on CR, but offered by the a great reefer [MENTION=3095]Crued[/MENTION]. He's offered up 3 giveaways for CR, each with a $250 dollar value!

This giveaway is for a NEW IN BOX ($250 MAP) Simplicity 240DC Protein Skimmer!

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Simple. Effective. Affordable.
You are going to love Simplicity DC Skimmers. Our skimmers use a controllable DC pump and needle wheel; regarded as one of the best methods to shred air and water to create micro fine bubbles. Our skimmers provide one of the keys to a successful protein skimming: long contact time between water and air. The bubble plate, wedge pipe indicator, air intake adjustment and controllable pump allow you to achieve the best performance for your unique system.

Adjustable DC pump speed
Small foot print
Cone shape design
Feed Button
Thumbscrew assembly for easy cleaning
Easy to read wedge pipe setting indicator
Bayonette locking collection cup
Collection cup drain with cap
Robust build quality

Part Number: SIM0003
Simplicity 2000DC Pump
9-18 watts
5.5” Body
8.3” x 7.9” x 19.5”
Air 240-660 l/h
Stocking Level:
Light Bioload : up to 240 gallons
Medium Bioload: up to 180 gallons
Heavy Bioload: up to 120 gallons
Limited Warranty:
2 years on skimmer body
1 year on pump

In order to qualify for this giveaway:

1. Have a min of 20 meaningful posts
2. Start a thread in the "Member's Reef tank" forum or update your existing thread between now and the drawing date OR start a new informative thread on anything Reef related (Examples include; Educational/Informative thread, LFS review, Product review, Fish or coral profile)
3. Share the ChicagoReefs Facebook announcing this Giveaway on your Facebook timeline ( I will verify 100% of the entries) Link to FB post;
4. Post on this thread a short story (only needs to be a couple sentences) The FUNNIEST or HAPPIEST or MOST REWARDING thing you have gone through in this hobby.

See my example below!

Winner will be announced on January 28th!
Good luck everyone!
How to enter;

Make sure you have 20 meaningful posts


Update your Members reef tank thread, or start a new one (see details in post #1)


Let us know you shared the Facebook post (Here's a link to the FB post)
IF you don't social media at all, or don't facebook, just have someone you know share the page for you. Just link their FB post when you reply to enter the giveaway.


Write a short bit about The FUNNIEST or HAPPIEST or MOST REWARDING thing you have gone through in this hobby.

My entry (I can't join but you'll get the idea:D )

I've shared the Facebook post!

The most rewarding thing I've done in this hobby isn't really even dealing with the hobby directly. While corny, it's true. With my own tank, being able to Pay it Forward (PIF) is limited to those who'll make the long drive to NWI. By being Admin I’m able to give you all ChicagoReefs as a giant PIF. Being able to have the site for you all to call home, just visit and enjoy giveaways. Great people just like [MENTION=3095]Crued[/MENTION] [MENTION=171]DJE[/MENTION] are just two of the recent members of the many others who donate back to the community, while I put the profits of the forum right back by buying the ChicagoReefs sponsored giveaways.
ok the thread is open for entry, let's hear your stories :D

IF you don't social media at all, or don't facebook, just have someone you know share the page for you.
It's all about sharing the site with the greater audience, seeing what other like minded people are out there who don't know about us.

Just link their FB post when you reply to enter the giveaway.
This skimmer is a beast... Mines been running for 9 days and is pulling out some nasty stuff. Someone is going to get s nice upgrade!!!
1,2,&3 checked off! Thanks again for doing this amazing giveaway [MENTION=3095]Crued[/MENTION].

The happiest/most rewarding thing about this hobby for me is just meeting people and making new friends. I never thought I would meet so many friendly, helpful, interesting, and generous people in a hobby. It's cheesy but it's true.

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Facebook post shared!
I think to me the most rewarding thing in this hobby is having a tank to watch and calm me down. It really is amazing watching the fish in their environment that you created in your own home!

Thank you Crued this is an awesome giveaway you rock!
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Most rewarding was giving my last living clown, who had been with me for years, and swam in that toilet I called a neglected tank for months, to some polish dude who came over and gave me a 6 pack of polish beer (unrequested) and gave clowny a new home.
Shared on FB.
Most rewarding thing for me in this hobby is to see beautiful fish and corals when I come home. I just stare at my tank and am still amazed by it everyday. It's also really nice when you can sit back and say you did it all yourself.
Facebook shared. I'm in.
The happiest thing for me in the hobby is watching my hard work go to fruition by seeing all my mature SPS corals that I started as frags. I've also met a lot of pretty cool people in this hobby.
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Make sure you have 20 meaningful posts - Done


Update your Members reef tank thread, or start a new one (see details in post #1) - Will update tonight


Let us know you shared the Facebook post (Here's a link to the FB post) Done


Write a short bit about The FUNNIEST or HAPPIEST or MOST REWARDING thing you have gone through in this hobby. - One of the most rewarding things is just seeing a tank mature and grow. Seeing your fish start as tiny and grow. Or coral colonies grow out of little frags. And It still always make me happy when people see the tank and go wow this is amazing, that is a reward all in its own.
20 meaningful posts - done

Members reef tank update - always!

Shared link!

Most rewarding thing I have done was getting serious and starting to test my water and dose appropriately. This happened a few months back and my success with SPS keeping, even with a medium bio load, is going extremely well.

Most notable changes are in my RR pieces I picked up from AP. the colors I am getting from these pieces is unreal and they continue to improve!

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So for me is meeting some of the best dudes I could ever hope to meet. Much better than my shit head friends who I still appreciate but they shit heads n they know it.

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So for me is meeting some of the best dudes I could ever hope to meet. Much better than my shit head friends who I still appreciate but they shit heads n they know it.

This is true. Couple of the recent guys on here ive met.

So for this give away.
Can i ask one of the members here with FB to post. JayKay.

I asked my brother to post for me....he said, get your own FB and post.
So i printed a flyer and posted it at the laundryMat.

Carry on

Funniest thing I have done is try to catch my stupid pistol shrimp and watchman goby. They have to be one of the worst things to put in your tank. The bastards would steal everything. Lost almost all my rics, due to them. I set up a bottle with some food and a fishing line and went to work. Sat by the tank like an idiot and tried getting them as soon as they got in to the bottle. Wife thought it was the funniest thing ever stalking that bottle. She didn't want to get rid of it of course. They were very cool to watch together, but never again!!! I caught the fish multiple times, but that damn pistol was just to fast. Finally got them out when I broke the tank down. It was even hard to get him with everything out.

Funniest thing I have done is try to catch my stupid pistol shrimp and watchman goby. They have to be one of the worst things to put in your tank. The bastards would steal everything. Lost almost all my rics, due to them. I set up a bottle with some food and a fishing line and went to work. Sat by the tank like an idiot and tried getting them as soon as they got in to the bottle. Wife thought it was the funniest thing ever stalking that bottle. She didn't want to get rid of it of course. They were very cool to watch together, but never again!!! I caught the fish multiple times, but that damn pistol was just to fast. Finally got them out when I broke the tank down. It was even hard to get him with everything out.

Wow, and Once upon a time, I thought I might try that pair in a tank, and now I think I'm glad I did not. Funny tale...
Most reward aspect of this hobby to me is watching my corals grow and thrive. I can literally spend hours in front of my tank, even at nights with the lights off with a flashlight. I have had some hardship with corals not growing or dying so when I see corals are growing, the amount of effort put in is well worth it to me.

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Most rewarding thing about being in this hobby is all of the people I met, people who used to live here that dont and i Still talk to them. I've gained multiple friends on here that even years later I still talk to.
Done and done.

Most rewarding thing is watching corals grow and knowing it takes a lot of work but it's all worth it at the end. It's not an easy hobby but when your tank thrives, it makes you proud.