Cubzbiggestfan 125 build

That lookspretty darn good sr how is the overlow working out doeant look coast to coast if so it should hold no problem
Speaking of overflow. It is not doing well. I had someone cut acrylic for me last time and this time I tried to do it myself. I am going to make another post about an overflow I am going to need some help making.
I'm sorry to hear about overflow build issues. Wish I could help, I'm sure there's guys that'll be able to guide you.

I love reefers...
Here are some fts got my LEDs up and running. Livestock includes 5 green chromis, one occelaris, flame angel, yellow watchman, and yellow clown goby.

Next up to redo the rock scape. Not totally happy with it.
Well here it is. Rockscape isn't done and lights aren't up but it is full and ready to cycle. Lots of work left but if I follow the guidelines of "tanked" I can put fish in now

Lol yeah you could've actually overstocked your tank at that point just to watch everything die a few days later