Custom 48'' L.E.D fixture sneek-peek.

The 4ft can have legs or hanging kit,the NEPTUNE will be hung. [Smith11]How about i label them and offer them in white aswell?



Don't go all Apple and announce stuff then push it off for over a year making weak excuses why your product was demoed in a color your customers flat out cant purchase on release day! LOL
Don't worry, as you can see there's inventory to be had.Just doing final testing before releasing to the public.
Matte finish are per request. Warranty is 1yr, drivers are UL approved, obviously not every component will be UL,as no led fixture is.
These lights are simply AMAZING!!! Thanks gus for setting me up with a trio of neptunes.I had all of them set 2minutes apart that way i can do a sunrise on the left,then middle then right and also the sunset happens in the same sequence.Totally awesome,thanks for setting them up that way Gus.