Dan's 75 Reef


Premium member
Dan's 75 Reef (With Dino)

Ok, time to put up my tank. Feel bad about trying to sell some lights after only 26 posts. Ha. Those Contests and Giveaways look pretty cool too.
75 Gal Reef (no SPS)
2 Aqua Illumination Vegas

Yellow Tang, Pair Maroon Clowns, McCoskers Wrasse, Pair Bangaii Cardinals, Midas Blenny
Tons of crabs, 4 various shrimps,

Some questions I have that I haven't found complete answers for over the years:

Dinos!!! Been dealing with them for about 2 years. Right when i switched from my Biocube to the 75. At this point they're hardly noticeable, but I still get accumulation of them in a slight dusting on the glass and sand. Got them manageable (mostly) by doing the "dirty" method.
Any advice on these devils would be appreciated.

Whats wrong with my Zoas? (see zoomed in picture) They have never grown well. All other coral doing very well. Im suspecting the Dinos are to blame. Or maybe those tube snails. Again, any advice is much appreciated.

Ill post more questions and pics as i come across them.

Thanks a lot
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Full tank


Left side


Right side


Bad zoa colony

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Ok, time to put up my tank. Feel bad about trying to sell some lights after only 26 posts. Ha. Those Contests and Giveaways look pretty cool too.
75 Gal Reef (no SPS)
2 Aqua Illumination Vegas

Yellow Tang, Pair Maroon Clowns, McCoskers Wrasse, Pair Bangaii Cardinals, Midas Blenny
Tons of crabs, 4 various shrimps,

Some questions I have that I haven't found complete answers for over the years:

Dinos!!! Been dealing with them for about 2 years. Right when i switched from my Biocube to the 75. At this point they're hardly noticeable, but I still get accumulation of them in a slight dusting on the glass and sand. Got them manageable (mostly) by doing the "dirty" method.
Any advice on these devils would be appreciated.

Whats wrong with my Zoas? (see zoomed in picture) They have never grown well. All other coral doing very well. Im suspecting the Dinos are to blame. Or maybe those tube snails. Again, any advice is much appreciated.

Ill post more questions and pics as i come across them.

Thanks a lot

Do u run carbon/gfo? Looks like u have a lot of lps and have leathers in there as well. Could be Chem warfare although I never had issues with zoas when I suspect Chem warfare usually my acanthophyllia or my tachyphylia are the ones most susceptible to Chem warfare. When my zoas have issues opening, not growing and eventually melting it is almost always because my water is too clean! Hope that helps

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I run carbon, but no gfo. I removed the gfo and skimmer, and fed a ton to purposely dirty up my tank during a Dino bloom

And wow, those are some pretty, pretty bad pics. Ill try to get better ones.

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Skimmers been back on for a couple months now. Just haven't needed the gfo yet

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Here's some better ones. Any tips on taking photos? So far all I got is turn blues way down

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A friend of mine dosed hydrogen peroxide and wrapped the tank and turned off the lights for 2 days that eliminated his Dino problem quick. I would read up on the peroxide dosing it doesn't take very much.

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I have tried that. Dinos always come back. Pretty much tried everything.
Except raising ph. I guess thatll be my next try but I'll need a ph probe first.

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