DB's 29gal

Green Chromis are also a very safe and peaceful addition. You can have multiples and they tend to school and stay higher in the water column. I don't remember why, but I've heard it's best to keep them in odd numbers, like a school of 3 or 5 unless you have a lot of them.

You're rollin' the dice with a 6-line. If you get one, make sure it is your last fish because it is possible he'll terrorize anything that comes after him. I'll never own another one.

P.S. The tank is lookin' good!!!
Green Chromis are also a very safe and peaceful addition. You can have multiples and they tend to school and stay higher in the water column. I don't remember why, but I've heard it's best to keep them in odd numbers, like a school of 3 or 5 unless you have a lot of them.

You're rollin' the dice with a 6-line. If you get one, make sure it is your last fish because it is possible he'll terrorize anything that comes after him. I'll never own another one.

P.S. The tank is lookin' good!!!

This is very true, but most people don't realize that chromis actually get pretty big. So going this route would be ok in the short term but a tank upgrade in the future would be in order.
This is very true, but most people don't realize that chromis actually get pretty big. So going this route would be ok in the short term but a tank upgrade in the future would be in order.

To make life easier for you Dan I would just stick to smaller fish such as certain blennies and gobies. The clowns are ok, I hope they don't overgrow your tank, as they could. I had fish in my 30L when it was stocked and had a pair of clowns, a purple firefish, flametail blenny, yellowtail damsel, and at one point I had a clown goby in there. I also had a pair of peppermints in there but never again will I put peps in my display. Of course that's my opinion and point of view, because they terrorized my corals and stole food from them all the time.
I agree cubbies -I rather stay on the smaller/peaceful size due to space and have more inhabitants that push the envelop. Tank upgrade is def in the future (100g cichlid conversion) but that's 1-2yrs down the road. I've done alot of research (pretty every day for the last 2 months lol) but you can only 'read' so much in books etc about the 'recommendations' that's why I'm trying to incorporate others' personally knowledge and experience.
Just Spot fed all the coral (acan, favia, blasto, rics, frogspawn, etc) chopped up raw shrimp ... maaaan they're pigs :)
Lots of New Pics :)

Alright so I picked up some more corals from the event at MCF. Here are some updates pics of the tank - Surprisingly for the clearity of the pictures, they were actually taken with my phone.




3 Heads of FrogSpawn


Yumas w/ sexy shrimp










Sexy Shrimp in Kenya


Hairy Mushroom eating w/ Peppermint Shrimp trying to steal food


Acan Echinata




Xmas Favia


Favia? Idk got from MCF


Rics - Finally Split :)


Acan Lord

[IMG http://a8.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc7/381779_993693508385_30415614_41193837_275001603_n.jpg[/IMG]
Clowns, shrooms, favia, scoly, etc
Nice tank D.
I see the lobo there..nice brain coral..I'll get one soon.
I'll be looking into the tailspot blenny too..they look nice..may be a qair.
nice tank bro..
the torch will be nice in your tank.
Alright - Some new Additions and Pics - Picking up abunch more SPS frags tomorrow :)
Near future plans: Drill the 29gal, and either put a 15-30gal sump, upgrade to Coralife Super Skimmer 65, and redo aquascape. New Filament Flasher Wrasse is doing great in QT and eating like a pig.


Baby Brittle Star


Green Hydnophora


Green Monti Digitata


Green Seriatopora


Green Slimer (Bad pic, its coming straight out of the rock)


Rics & Shrooms


Peppermint Shrimp Cleaning


Torch Coral

