Dear LFS, I want to buy from you, but.....

I live 40 minutes away and travel to AquaPros no matter how small the purchase. They are knowledgable, friendly, affordable and make you feel at home. I live right by Aquatica but sometimes it feels as if all Mario cares about is the money bags

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I understand the point of the thread and glad I see the praise. One thing I that hasn’t been mentioned but is the underpinning of it all, any idea how impossible it is to please everyone? This is the internet and anyone can take their own thoughts to a screen and walk away a few minutes later, but try and stand behind a counter at a store day in and day out for years.

It similar to how I run the forum, never is everyone pleased. Instead take a balanced approach to everything. Key factors are business morals, pleasing the theoretical “average” person and making sure on the whole it’s a going in a positive direction. Factor in the challenges of dealing with the risks/complication of livestock, the problems of a brick and mortar store, not many of us would be able to keep a LFS going long term. There plenty of proof in this in how many LFS or basement guys have come and gone.

I’m just speaking my mind and the mind of those other silent people not partaking in the thread. It’s great to see the praise and even the positive criticism. You also have to be aware of who keeps the lights on here at CR, so let’s continue with give them the respect they deserve for them allowing you a place to vent criticism.
I can tell you from fact, how little time most LFS owners have to spend surfing the net to find and read these type of threads. Anyone disagree?
I can tell you from fact, how little time most LFS owners have to spend surfing the net to find and read these type of threads. Anyone disagree?

I once left a poor review and the owner, I think, contacted me. He said multiple people had quoted the review to him and he was pretty pissed. Asked me what I wanted, which was weird. I said nothing, just giving my honest review.
I once left a poor review and the owner, I think, contacted me. He said multiple people had quoted the review to him and he was pretty pissed. Asked me what I wanted, which was weird. I said nothing, just giving my honest review.

I think you helped answer my question, people informed the LFS of the review. If you quote the LFS in the review they'll see it. Otherwise they’re so tied up with night time runs to pick up livestock from the airport, dealing with everything else they have and then spending the little free time they have to post their advertising (on places like CR) they have effectively no time left to google search for bad reviews. You'll always have corner cases where an LFS will find a bad review themselves, but by in large it's not the case. These threads instead rally up the internet and eventually one or more people bring it to the attention of the LFS.

Again, were all here to give an honest review. But to think a LFS will find this by searching for it, to get them to change their behavior just isn’t realistic unless one or more people eventually goes to them in person to express their dislike.
It is impossible to please everyone. I have a store that I love going to so that's the place I buy from. The store(s) I don't like I don't go back to. If a CR sponsor really wants to know what we think they should have their own feedback sections. (i.e. "Tell us what you think about our business" thread) But, they should also be prepared to be blasted in addition to being praised.
I can tell you from fact, how little time most LFS owners have to spend surfing the net to find and read these type of threads. Anyone disagree?

They know they either read it or hear about it trust me i hear from a bunch of them about it they surf these forums just not as them selves or not logged in some care some dont i mean lets be honest never gonna please everyone i long run all i want is good prices healthy live stock i could careless about evrything else im not gonna live there i go i buy i get out . If they do all this stuff thats listed just makes it better but again i just want good honest people
Thank you for everybody's responses, all feedback is really great. Just wanted to point out that reason for starting this thread was not bahsing of any particular LFS or reviews of them. Simply to point out in general of better practices they can implement to generate more sales and not turn off potential customers. I would politely ask you to refrain from naming any stores here and if you have something to post just do it without names. As you noticed in my first post i did mention this, and did not use any names myself. Of course if you feel you need to say something about particular LFS, please create your own thread concerning the issue. Thank you again for voicing your opinion and ask you please to keep this thread the way it was intended to be. :)
You're right, sorry for my part...

Dear LFS, I want to buy from you, but.....

My answer:
I can have salt shipped to my door far cheaper, and spend very little time ordering it. No foot traffic, no sales. Salt is essential, should be priced the same everywhere. It all flushes the same, shouldn't be more because I'm buying from you. I'm perfectly content having it shipped to my door, for less.

It works out ok for my anyways, seems everytime I go to the LFS, I'm spending hundreds each trip. I'm better off not buying salt from them anyways, I'd just spend more on other items...
Also it pays big time to shop around I hit up a lot of stores 6 to 8 stores monthly and u can get some maricultured pieces for 25 to 30 and others are charging 60 to 80 for the same piece. I understand they are in business to make money but I would rather travel a Lil bit and save a decent amount of cash then feeling like I got ripped off. Just my opinion
The store in Tinley Park is by far the busiest store I ever visit, yet the owner makes you feel like you are the only one there. They really are a business model that needs to be copied. You are going to wait, but it's because the place is that busy, even with 6-8 employees running around.

The store in Glen Ellyn, helpful staff even though sometimes it takes forever to get one of them freed up. Prices can be a little erratic, but for the most part not out of line. I've purchased tanks, corals and fish from them, and although sometimes things haven't gone right but they do their best to make the situation as good as it can be.
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Sadly. the model for big impressive displays which we enjoy the most is broke. The costs are too high to keep these stores working. I have seen a number of these impressive displays with colonies wasting away. Why not frag the colony for a steep discount sale? Sigh.

They will either get into high margin setup and consultation business or follow a model that takes frequent wholesale deliveries and rapid product turnover. ie Aquapros.

Nice displays are only for luring in the deep pockets looking for a soup-to-nuts setup.
It's interesting reading the responses as to what are a turn on and turn off to the buying public.
IMO it just shows the degree of difficulty owning a business can be.

Examples mentioned:
Eating their lunch would not bother me in the least, as long as I was acknowledged when entering and the meal isn't their primary focus.
Many a times I have walked in to a Lfs and somebody was eating, they stopped and greeted me and I would just say ,keep eating I'm going to look around a bit and when I see something I'll let you know. Truthfully most times they were very conscious of my presence , and oftentimes would chime in with something if they seen me looking at something for a extended period of time.

Another example of something mentioned that is apparently bothersome to some but I actually prefer is Large Displays.
Generally when you start in the hobby frag- mania is the norm, but when you have been in the hobby for some time your preferences may change ,at least mine did. I started looking for more unusual things and for more show piece ( just bigger) corals. I haven't bought a frag in maybe 4-5 years.
Even when members have been selling corals and offering up frag prices I always asked what they wanted for the entire piece, and usually bought it if the price to me seemed reasonable.
Again just my opinion, anyone can have a frag of this or that but I'm more impressed when I see a large colony.

Now a big turn off for me is continually going to a store and every time you go in they have the SOS. My neighbor and I used to frequent a local LFS ( no longer in business) and I would go in at least once a week. It got to a point where I could close my eyes and know the complete layout ,down to what corals were there and where they were in the tank. I would call my neighbor after stopping in and it would always be the same. " Hey anything new ? " me- " not really" ...Good you just saved me a trip from stopping in.
Reefing is a very impulsive hobby ,and you can't sell what you don't have.

1 of the big things I have to agree with is internet pricing. If I can have salt delivered to my door for FREE and pay $15.00 less ,chances are that's what I'm going to do. I realize brick and mortar stores have different expenses, but if you were selling some dry goods at around the same price as online you now have the advantage as I have to come to your store, and chances are I'm leaving with more than I intended to. When shopping online I'm just buying what I need.

Also mentioned neglected tanks and dead fish turn me off too.
A big turn off to me is a overbearing salesperson. Truthfully that is bothersome to me anywhere I go to buy things.

So just a little bit of my opinion:fish:
I just went to Ocean Blue in Elgin to get a shrimp. I confirmed with them on Facebook that they had the shrimp and would be open at 1. I told them I was coming at 1.

I waited until 1:15 and then had to leave to get back home for a 2pm meeting. Thanks for wasting 1.5 hours of my day.

Edit: I contact them and they apologized and said they would make it up to me.
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So i want to chime in as this was a weird one.
I went to a bird and perts store yesterday...the odd part? They had a reef and marine section. Its like a petco that actually gives a damn. This employee. Was very knloledgeble about marine life she has fresh water systems and has reptiles wants to make the change to marine but we all know its not super cheap and easy.

They tanks were well maitained and had nice stock. Prices were somewhat mid to high but most lfs are. They offer member discount not much but you get the idea. They also order the stock from QualityMarine and can order marine life for you....very satisfied with the place.

They also take in unwated fish from customers so they have acouple tangs with hlle but not cause of them but im atleast happy they have a home.

Could you name this store please? I would like to visit one day :)

I believe the poster is talking about Birds & Beasts in Crystal Lake. They have a decent fish selection. Coral are way overpriced.

One nice thing they do is they put a tag on the tanks from Quality Marine stating what date they received the fish. If there is a fish I want I'll wait until they have had it at least a couple of weeks. I quarantine but they offer no warranty on marine fish so I want to be sure it at least lives there for a few weeks.
Are they going to deliver the shrimp to your house? I'd call that making it up to you.

I went there today at 12:45 and they were open (they open at 1). The employee said usually the owner works 1 to whenever but his wife end up in the hospital so the store was opened late. They were extremely apologetic and gave me a discount on my purchase. I'll give them another try. I have to be there at 1 to make it home for work so I'll know if they don't open on time.
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I went there today at 12:45 and they were open (they open at 1). The employee said usually the owner works 1 to whenever but his wife end up in the hospital so the store was opened late. They were extremely apologetic and gave me a discount on my purchase. I'll give them another try. I have to be there at 1 to make it home for work so I'll know if they don't open on time.

Thats nice they apologized. people make mistakes. glad you guys were able to resolve this. show us your new addition :)
One thing what bothers me is pricing: Why not to have sticker with what it costs? I know it might take a while to do so but come on! It could save a lot of asking....
Walked into a LFS today for Labor Day special. Ich outbreak in three of their display tanks. They have about 20 display tanks. They are still selling fish out of them to people. That's not cool. I walked out. I go there a lot. They claim to quarantine. I get it that your quarantine is not perfect but if you see fish with ich, treat your tanks...

I guess the positive is that I saw the fish with ich so I didn't buy any fish that would have infected my tank. Was going to pick up some corals from them but decided not to even though I am sure they run corals and fish in separate systems.
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