Deepwater Sticks


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whats up guys.

So I'm running low(out of) space. might have some lower light spots and looking into deepwater acros. Lets see them . give opinions on up keep and hardiness. Found this online from unique

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While not sticks they are a kind of sps, I've been filling those spots in my tank with leptoseris and leptastrea.

I've lost all the deep water sticks I've ever tried. Some took quite a while to receed, but they never thrived in my tank.
While not sticks they are a kind of sps, I've been filling those spots in my tank with leptoseris and leptastrea.

I've lost all the deep water sticks I've ever tried. Some took quite a while to receed, but they never thrived in my tank.

leptos are cool but can grow aggresively but deffinetly on the watch list. thanks jr
I will go on a recon mission little later and let u guys know what i come home with . Its ok my pearl berry came home a little slimmer from his place lol
I have quite a few deep water frags, I dip every piece that comes into my tank. I do have a hard time keeping the colors with a Bayer dip, even at a low concentrations. I have 3 or 4 that still have not colored back up after the purchase a few months ago. It could also be that my frag tank is 12" deep and have nowhere to hide.