dendro problem

mine are dendros .. I know for sure ... I have had them for a long time ... walt they are just like yours ... we are very upset .. these were my pride and joy ... im upset wifes up set ... I grew this from 1 head to 4 heads ,,,I was so proud... now its gone ...
I feel u man. All the hardwork put into watching something grow and prosper then just watching it deteriorate and die, and not knowing what the hell happened. It suck and it's frustrating as hell to see. I'm sorry for ur loss.
wtf??? how did this turn into a dissuasion about what dendros walt has... ??? I don't mean to be a dick but I came asking for help and it all got into a discussion about what dendros other ppl have meanwhile .. I watch mine just waste away... it started out most ppl saying they don't know (but atleast they stayed on topic) .. then it turned into this ?? I get it guys have nice tanks and expensive corals... and your proud... but seriously .. this was me asking for help not a dick wave about your tanks.. or what you may or may/not have seen at a store.. seriously it just seems insensitive to a brother reefer... mad joe picked up on it (rubbing salt on dave wound exactly what you guys are don't go on someones thread when their **** is dying and post awesome pics of your stuff (unless your helping) brothers??? family??? i'm not seeing it today..sorry .....

This was never about what kind of dendros I have in my tank. You have asked for assistance without providing any pictures or visual clues. The first job for us all to provide assistance with diagnosing your problem is to know exactly what we were dealing with. There have been plenty of people asking for assistance with their "dendros" and then post pics of their sun corals. But you take it as someone showing off.

This is exactly why I now keep my mouth closed since everyone already knows so much and everything. I mean that is why their tanks are doing so well and nothing dies in their tank.....oh wait. Nevermind. Good luck.
after looking back at the thread I can see how you meant it but also see how I ( I didnt know you were asking me to verify the type I had that question was not stated (all I seen was "does your look like mine" and and awesome pic of yours.. I though you were showing off your tank( its not like you have not done that before lol) after I seen what you meant I immediately removed the post and realize I took it wrong... but also joe kinda had also seen it my way ( or so it appears) ... im not trying to offend a friend tempers are a little high ... dendros almost dead .. on the worst day it possably could happen ( fathers day ... but that's another story) ... sorry to offend anyone ... but I know for 1000% mine are dendros I had sun corals( but these are the very large head dendros)
The return of Aquaman's dendros (I'm posting for him since he is currently unable to).

Yes it's true... don't ask me how but I looked today and seen 1 tentacle sticking out so I get some food from the freezer ...warmed it in my hand and stuffed some into the head and 1/2 later boom it came out after 2 weeks so I fed all 3 heads :)
Are these the dendros that are dying ?? What Are we looking for in the pic ??
(I looked at the pic on my phone .. May be I'm missing something ?? :dontknow:

Lol, I'll give you the recap...Aqua freaked, people were trying to help, others were being not so helpful, then BigB posted that sweet pic of Aqua's dendros, and Aqua confirmed he's g2g. :D you're welcome...