DiY led build


New member
So I have been messing around light ideas for the last 2 months and keep finding a con to everything and wondering if there is anyway I can talk the people I work with at Ecotech to get me a Radion at half price lol. Anyway I know that won't happen and I have no intentions on spending $700 on lighting for the nano. So playing around with some spectrum tools and such I have come up with the following which should produce a much fuller spectrum that the normal 12rb/12cw splits. Let me know what all the DiY experts out there how this sounds for spectrum. Prob going to be looking to order everything in a couple weeks

3 Neutral White
3 Cool White
3 Warm White
6 Royal Blue
2 Blue
2 Red
2 Green
2 UV
2 Cyan

The plan is to use a 7.1"X0.9"X15.8" heat sink. Thoughts?
Yep saw it, thanks for the advice gus!

edit: saw the reccomendation of the color spread and asked another question, lol gus you are driving up the price of this build!
Per our local led expert I will be going with the following array which is showing a bit fuller spectrum than what I had plugged into the software(

7cw and 7nw on one driver,
8RB and 6blue on the 2nd driver
UV 6, cyan 4, red 2, green 2 on a 700 series non dimmable.
I just finished my LEDs. I love them. I like more blue so I used 2 nw, 6 cw, 10 rb, 2 red, 2green, 2 turquoise. I didn't use uv LEDs. I have two drivers. I ran blue on there own and everything else on the other. The red and green are obvious but blend nicely. I would be careful how many red and green you add. It can look ugly.
You guys should post some pictures of the build process.

I will be documenting it step by step in my tank build threads on both here and 1reef. I am currently shopping around and waiting on quotes for the led's, some of these guys can be slow getting back and communicating lol.
I will be documenting it step by step in my tank build threads on both here and 1reef. I am currently shopping around and waiting on quotes for the led's, some of these guys can be slow getting back and communicating lol.

Sounds great!