Dust or what in the aquarium


Well-known member
yesterday in the process of finding my missing jaw fish, i took out all the rock one after another and was amazed by how much dust (or what ever it is ) is on the sand bottom....

is this a normal thing ? with all the clams and rics on the sand bed i have no idea how to gravel vacum it . ..

i have filter floss in the back chamber of my biocube (lot of it) but still the amount of dust stirred amazed me

is there a way to get rid of this dust or is it inevitable ?

tank stays cleat as long as the sand is not touched ... now with my jaw fish gone ther is no one to stir it

advice ?what should i do ? :bad:
perhaps a sand sifting star or some margarita snails?
You might also want to use a turkey baster to blast everything a little and get everything stirred up a little prior to your WCs. Also, if running a MP with ecosmart modes, you can use the nutrient export mode to get everything up for you mechanical filtration. A simple small siphon tube works well for harder to reach areas as well. I vacuum as much as I can at every WC and I still get a little of that building up in lower flow zones.
a little detritus i wouldnt mind .. but its too much .. and everytime i try to gravel vac my sand starts getting collected too ..

its like it covered my zoas almost to like they are completely covered yesterday :(
This is the reason I went BB. I did this and the filth was so thick that they entire bottom half of the tank was completley blacked out to light. It was absolutely disgusting. I'm so glad I went BB.
This is the reason I went BB. I did this and the filth was so thick that they entire bottom half of the tank was completley blacked out to light. It was absolutely disgusting. I'm so glad I went BB.

so this is kinda inevitable with a sand bottom :(
i try to where there are no corals on the sand bed .. but then again everytime i vacum my sand .. i get sand also .. so i stopped vaccuming it
you cant have sand without vacuuming it, unless its really deep like 3"+. can you move the things on the sand to get a better clean
you are going to lose a little sand every time you vaccum. It's inevitable. You can replace a little at a time by pouring well rinsed sand in a short PVC pipe to direct it where you want it to go. The other thing I do is basically just stir the sand a little at a time when I am cleaning or whatever. If a jawfish or snail can do it, so can I. :)
you are going to lose a little sand every time you vaccum. It's inevitable. You can replace a little at a time by pouring well rinsed sand in a short PVC pipe to direct it where you want it to go. The other thing I do is basically just stir the sand a little at a time when I am cleaning or whatever. If a jawfish or snail can do it, so can I. :)

+1 on the pvc tube
U just need a good clean up crew.. That way all the un eaten foods and stuff are taken care of..