Dwarf Zebra Lion Fish

Does anyone have any experience with these guys? I have read a few things and have the basics down but hoping to find experience from someone with a tank similar to mine as I kinda want to get one.

My tank is a 75 gallon, with 40ish gallons in my sump.

Current fish:
3 Bartlett Anthias
3 Green Chromis's
1 Coral Beauty
1 Yellow tang
1 hawk fish
2 dwarf golden moray eels

Corals include:
Zoas, Mushrooms, Flower nems, carpet nem, candy canes, and lots of euphyllia
my opinion is that a lion fish is a species only tank fish, they will eat whatever fish they can fit in their mouth.. i did have 1 in with sharks and stingrays . He did inhale goldfish like nobodys bizness
"They will eat what fits in the their mouth" stands for the dwarf as well...so at some point the chromis would likely become lunch, but you'd be fine with the rest.

Only other angle to consider is if your aquascape has enough coves and such for everyone.
The chromis I have no attachment to since they were just something cheap to help start the tank. So I wouldn't miss them if they did. I have probably 5 or 6 caves/coves that the lionfish could hide in. I think I'm going to try this.
Had a 3" dwarf fuzzy lionfish, never bothered my watchman, pistol shrimp, or clownfish. If you do decide to get one, make sure that the tank is always covered mine did a leap of faith and ended up as fish jerky
I have kept several dwarf lions and have never had a problem with them munching on any tank mates. That includes a full grown fu manchu currently housed with a yellow tail damsel. Feed it every few days (varied diet is critical) and everyone will be happy.

That said, I would set up a 20 Gallon separately to get the lion acclimated to frozen food. Zebras can be tricky...