Electric bill

Or the rest of you can just quit feeding the troll and let the thread die... It's gone far beyond its "funny" usefulness now. You proved him wrong, congrats, now dissect his latest pointless argument and continue this ping-pong game. It's all wasted effort in the end. I don't have either mh or led, or a chiller, and my corals are all still pretty when I look at them. To be honest, if you need to analyze "cost savings" in this hobby, maybe you need a different hobby altogether because fundamentally, reefing = money pit, and that's one equation you can't change.

I would think PAR38 bulbs would be the most cost effective. In 24" PAR38 bulbs are very effective. For a 6' tank 6 bulbs would do the trick. $80 per bulb, x6, $480. Electricity bills diminish, and no more bulb replacement. This was from coralcompulsion.com Ecoxotic and others make them too for around the same price. Anyway, a really cheap option, and after 2-3 bulb replacements alone pay for themselves, not to mention the drastic electricity savings. There are a lot of people here who use them to so you could see them in person.
Well, I apologize for the mess that I created. I was just trying to show everyone that conventional wisdom that LEDs save money isn't that clear cut. LED companies have done a pretty good job of marketing their products and I thought I present some arguments against it so that people have all the facts. I guess I could have stated my points better, but I don't respond well to you are wrong and you don't understand basic math. Well, I guess I made similar statements to Greg so I apologize for that.
I'll just leave this here.

365 days x 10 hours a day = 3650 hours a year

3650 hours a year x 5 years = 18250 hours + 10 hours for Leap Day = 18260 hours @ 100% intensity for a period of 5 years.

Even at a fail rate of 20000 hour MTBF you'll get more than 5 years.
6 PAR38 bulbs at $460 from coral compulsion will light the tank, with enough light for any species, and with enough bulb and electricity savings to easily pay for themselves. An awesome way to go, and a very cost effective way to go. Posted it earlier but I think the cats scared them away.... ;)
Well, I apologize for the mess that I created. I was just trying to show everyone that conventional wisdom that LEDs save money isn't that clear cut. LED companies have done a pretty good job of marketing their products and I thought I present some arguments against it so that people have all the facts. I guess I could have stated my points better, but I don't respond well to you are wrong and you don't understand basic math. Well, I guess I made similar statements to Greg so I apologize for that.

Pshh, I'm probably more stubborn. Lol
I'm very passive the first time through, but if someone calls me out a second I get all 'O no you di'int!'.
I do the hand waving S in the air and neck side to side thing also.
Or the rest of you can just quit feeding the troll and let the thread die... It's gone far beyond its "funny" usefulness now. You proved him wrong, congrats, now dissect his latest pointless argument and continue this ping-pong game. It's all wasted effort in the end. I don't have either mh or led, or a chiller, and my corals are all still pretty when I look at them. To be honest, if you need to analyze "cost savings" in this hobby, maybe you need a different hobby altogether because fundamentally, reefing = money pit, and that's one equation you can't change.

Ouch! to the last sentence Im crushed