Or the rest of you can just quit feeding the troll and let the thread die... It's gone far beyond its "funny" usefulness now. You proved him wrong, congrats, now dissect his latest pointless argument and continue this ping-pong game. It's all wasted effort in the end. I don't have either mh or led, or a chiller, and my corals are all still pretty when I look at them. To be honest, if you need to analyze "cost savings" in this hobby, maybe you need a different hobby altogether because fundamentally, reefing = money pit, and that's one equation you can't change.
Come on fishbeard!!!
Well, I apologize for the mess that I created. I was just trying to show everyone that conventional wisdom that LEDs save money isn't that clear cut. LED companies have done a pretty good job of marketing their products and I thought I present some arguments against it so that people have all the facts. I guess I could have stated my points better, but I don't respond well to you are wrong and you don't understand basic math. Well, I guess I made similar statements to Greg so I apologize for that.
Or the rest of you can just quit feeding the troll and let the thread die... It's gone far beyond its "funny" usefulness now. You proved him wrong, congrats, now dissect his latest pointless argument and continue this ping-pong game. It's all wasted effort in the end. I don't have either mh or led, or a chiller, and my corals are all still pretty when I look at them. To be honest, if you need to analyze "cost savings" in this hobby, maybe you need a different hobby altogether because fundamentally, reefing = money pit, and that's one equation you can't change.
Once the cats show up, all tangency is lost. Back to your prescribed chaos!