Exterminating vermetids?


New member
I had a vermetid snail come in on a frag, and I didn't remove it because I assumed it was a feather duster. After they started popping up all over my tank (20ish of them) I finally figured out what they were. Now I've killed every one I could find, and I'd like to know if anyone here has successfully/permanently removed them. I imagine that I haven't seen the last one, but I figure if I can keep them from maturing I might have a shot in the near future.

My tank is a 37 gallon marine land column with a 20 gallon breeder for a sump, the whole thing runs about 50 gallons in total.
There are rumors a certain type of bumblebee snails will eat them

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I used to have these really bad, but I don’t any more. Not sure why? I wish I could say the same thing about the asterina starfish.
Are there any other known predators of these things? I have them in my tank but I’ve seen less of them now that my nutrients are under control.

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