Eye Candy #2

Crazy and here I thought I had my Tank set up and now I see these. They look real nice and I can also see where I can incorporate it in to my tank.
The top ones are almost ready, maybe a couple more weeks. The bottom are blue agave and they are in grow out right now.
This frag has 3 completely separate polyps that aren't attached to each other. The other 2 are supposed to turn more white as they mature like the main polyp you see that's almost all white .


For the purple orchids or candy apple pink?

So you have both of them. ?? Possible to snap a pic if them too ?? Never saw what the actual coloration of candy apple pinks ( or may be what I have now if the actual color)

And Reqs for both ??:D
I don't have candy apple pink lol But for the flow/light for the purple orchid, I just recently got it so I am still playing with the best spot for it. Right now, I have it sitting in low/medium light with medium flow. I usually start everything off in low/medium light.
yea i do the same thing with new corals :)

only i have left your rastas on sand bed, and they are bigger
Some more candy....i love candy! All taken under blue leds since only my blues are on right now and cropped/white balance adjusted.
