Eye Line Tang

Who's the happiest guy on a Tuesday night!! THIS GUY!!

Just ran over to reefwise and got a ITTY BITTY version of this guy

View attachment 7630

Also got a Gem Damsel (Its what my baby wanted)

Great service...well just great everything!! Thanks a ton to Brian for helping us out!!
Thanks Smitty, can't wait for him to grow up!

Ryan...he's not much to look at yet...threw him in the biocube and the clowns wanted to know who the "little guy" was :Di think hes about an inch to inch and a half...

Scotts phone...
tjat means another upgrade :) nice grab btw

Another upgrade!?!?! Its minimum tank req. is 150 gallons from what I read...I sure hope the 220g is plenty! If not, he'll hang with us for the few years and move on to something bigger! (He's smaller than my clowns as of right now)

And Thanks!! I really think this guy is going to be awesome!!
Take good care of him! I was very close to buying him. Please take pictures every couple of months to show his growth and coloration changes until he reaches terminal phase.
Take good care of him! I was very close to buying him. Please take pictures every couple of months to show his growth and coloration changes until he reaches terminal phase.

Absolutely!! Im still not too hot with taking pictures of the fish (as you can see), but hopefully once I get him into the big tank he'll be a little more photogenic!

I've been reading that they arent aggressive at all, but they are the biggest Acanthurus there is and top out around 21"
I first saw the pic on page two, thinking oh ok thats cool
Then I went back to page 1. OH WOW THATS THE SAME FISH!?!?!

Very nice grab! :)
I knew that Angel Fish had dramatic coloring changes between their juvenile and mature stages but I never knew Tangs had such dramatic changes.