Faisal's 60G Cube


Hello fellow reefers!

Finally got the time to start posting!
I took a break from reefing to get settled in life. Now I'm married and the wife actually "suggested" we start a tank

We both are pretty picky about how things are arranged in our living room....it was a must that the tank not only fit but flow with the room and decor and not look bad..being in an apartment and lacking too much extra space I decided to go with a 60G rimless cube...I bought it off Craigslist from a local Reefer who had it running for 3 months then switched to a shallower tank since he couldn't reach the bottom...so I got lucky with a pretty much brand new rimless cube with stand! I also found a sump from a local Reefer! I'm sorry I can't mention many of them by name since I have lost track of who I met when..

Rimless 60G 2'x2'x2' RR Cube (used for 3 months)

Simplicity 75SS Deluxe Reef Sump

5G container (rodi water jug)

Return Pump:
Reef Octopus Diablo Variable Speed Water Pump DC-5500 (old but never used)

Ecotech Radion XR30W Gen 3


Super Reef Octopus 1000SSS (Ryan C.)

30 Lbs. Dry Rock (aquapros)
20 Lbs. Live Rock (rockhead)

MarinePure block (needed to raise skimmer 4", couldn't of think if a better alternative)

MarinePure balls
Seachem pond matrix (some I had from a previous tank)

Additional equipment:
Apex Gold
Finnex Titanium 300W Heater
13W UV Sterilizer
BRS Dual Reactor

5G ATO Reservoir (rodi water jug)

I'll update this post and add pictures tomorrow!
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I'll keep this post for keeping track of events and dates.

01/20/2017 - Tank went online

02/17/2017 - ammonia and nitrite at 0PPM after 24 hrs from 2-3PPM (used Dr. Tims ammonia daily)

02/25/2017 - Added 2 purple fire fish (Beavis & Butthead), 2 Bengai Cardinals (Bonnie & Clyde), 1 Midas Blenny (Lemon), 1 Blood Red Fire Shrimp (Cheeto)

02/26/2017 - Added BTA (small 3"-4")

03/09/2017 - Added designer clown pair (Mr. & Mrs. Smith)

03/18/2017 - Added Ultra-BTA

03/19/2017 - Added 2 peppermint shrimp (moved to fuge 3/31/17)

03/24/2017 - Added Blue Hippo Tang & his name is Stitch! (gotta duck from the tang police now)

I tried and failed twice with a flame angle, it would not survive shipping both time, first time came dead second time was dead the next morning (RIP Tandoor)...but I feel I have enough life stock for now so might do without Tandoor.

I know it looks fast but half the rock was live and I dosed ammonia as it was needed while testing to keep ammonia at 2PPM-4PPM and was only satisfied when ammonia and nitrite were down to 0PPM after a day.

All fish and coral are live and happy
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Tank came with drain/return for soft plumbing, I decided to go with hard plumbing so made my own drain & return..

Here is the plumbing all done with under the tank...


Here is the electronics wall..

I tested for leaks, and had the entire system rinsed with fresh water and vinegar.

Here she is filling up..

And finally there was light..

Here a video of the initial rockwork (changed a little bit over time)

Im having issues embedding the actual video but you can see it on youtube.

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I had really bad GHA issues in the starting, this is at one of its peak...


Took Phosphate RX/ water changes/ and a lot of scrubbing to get past it!
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I ordered some TLF NPX biopellets to replace my 5G sump...the sump is taking up too much room under the tank and is growing all kinds of slime inside of it..

I would love to hear from people how they started using biopellets, I want to use 1/4 the recommended dose and add up another 1/4 dose after a week, and keep it at that and add more as needed....? I would realistically have them up and running when my tank turns 12 weeks

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Tank came with drain/return for soft plumbing, I decided to go with hard plumbing so made my own drain & return..

Here is the plumbing all done with under the tank...


Here is the electronics wall..

I tested for leaks, and had the entire system rinsed with fresh water and vinegar.

Here she is filling up..

And finally there was light..

Here a video of the initial rockwork (changed a little bit over time)

Im having issues embedding the actual video but you can see it on youtube.

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Good thing you changed that plumbing. That barb fitting on that bulkhead looks like a huge flow restrictor.

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I made a quick walkaround video, the tank has been running for 4 months now! I am very pleased with the growth and colors of almost all corals!!
I have removed the fuge about 5-6 weeks back and started biopellets and very happy with the results (95% of my algae issues are gone).
I feed heavily! wet & dry food 2-3 x day and target feed corals a blended paste 2-3 x a week(when I cant target feed ill filter feed).
I dose Reef Solution daily at 50% recommended and top off with kalk, no other dosing of any sort.
Roughly ~20 gallon water change bi-weekly, i use reef crystals (I try to stay on top of this).
I got the CR par meter rental and adjusted my lighting. I have been slowly increasing 5% weekly, I think i will reach my target (65-70%) in a week more.
added +10 lbs of dry rock, 4"-5" Maxima Clam, 2 pom pom crabs (Humpty & Dumpty- you can thank the wife for the creative names :) ) and a bunch of coral from my last post!

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