Finicky eaters


Well-known member
Hey everyone,

I recently picked up a small centropyge multifasciata (multibarred angel). I've had him for 3 days now and he has yet to eat any prepared food. I have attempted mysis, Spirulina enriched brine, and my homemade blend that contains a myriad of different food types. He hasn't shown much interest yet. He is quite active and has been picking at the rock.

Yesterday I added a small clam to see if he'd go for that. I had to run out for the night so I am unsure if he ate any or not. I will try again today with the second clam I picked up. If this doesn't work my next bet is to attempt soaking food in garlic. I have had good success with this in the past with finicky eaters.

Are there any other tips and tricks you guys know off? I know aquapros carries live brine now. I know it's not the most nutritious but it will at least be food in the belly until he starts taking to prepared foods.
Ya that's how I got my leopard wrasse eating pellets and frozen, but I ran out of garlic extract. I went to Jewel during my lunch and they didn't have garlic extract. So, I just got a jar of whole garlic cloves and will use that juice. I also grabbed some seaweed too.
Oh boy---I'm not brave enough to use stuff from the store---lol. I get burned everytime I try something new or risky. I stick to the reef brand garlic sauces.
Well I've tried frozen, pellet, frozen and pellet soaked in garlic, nori, and fresh little neck clam and this guy is just not interested. I'm going to go to Aquapros and get some live brine and some Cyclop-eeze as well. Anything else I should consider trying?

I've read that people have had success filling an old snail she'll with mysis, freeze, then set in the tank. As it thaws the mysis slowly rises out of the shell.
This guy had absolutely no interest in live brine. Tomorrow I'm going to add him to the DT since I think there's more natural food sources for him in there than in the frag tank.
I usually feed with frozen food like Rods and throw in pellets as the fishes are eating the frozen, they eventually start eating the pellets. eventually the finicky eaters start eating the pellets by themselves.
Well he's been in the display for a couple of days and still nothing. I have attempted feeding the following: frozen brine, mysis, rods, lifereef, daphnia, bloodworms, baby brine, Thera-A Spectrum, spectrum grow, nori, live brine, and fresh little neck clams. He seemed to show some interest in the clam initially and gave one quick peck but it never picked up from there.

He has been grazing, and surprisingly has not touched any of the sponges in my display.