First Saltwater Tank


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Oh, wow. They pair up within 24 hours? Amazing!

Maybe you could try to put the monti higher, so it gets more light. Lol
Got a new tank, 34 gallon deep blue rimless. Added a 20 long sump to it with a bubble magus 5 skimmer. First time I put the baffles in place, I used the wrong silicone. Within 12 hours, all my corals were shrunken and partially dried up. I stayed up til 5 am to do a 100% water change to save what I could, which was pretty much everything except a larger Kenya tree which completely dried up, and a bubble tip men that pretty much disintegrated. I redid my sump, and got everything started back up. I have a little diatom bloom from the new sand I had to add to cover the bottom of the tank, and I think the rise in nitrates is what killed my six line wrasse and a golden head sleeper goby. I will siphon today with a water change. Alk levels have been a little low, so I started dosing Reef Fusion. Also got a new light, which is kind of what started the new tank process. My Ray2 shorted out, and the stand to my 17 was absorbing water. So I bugged my girlfriend until she finally gave in to the larger footprint. Was trying for a 60 cube, but I'll take the 34 (she was happier with the 18 inch width instead of the 24). Let me know what you think.

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Sorry to hear about the silicone. Happens. The aquarium safe stuff you find at homedepot is too overpriced for just a "safe" label.

I think its the sulfide from disturbing sand and rock and shock that killed the wrasse and goby. They're hardy buggers and I've heard horror stories where they still live on.

Also still got the Ray 2? I'm looking for a new light, let me see if I can work on it. Shoot me PM if you still got it lets work something out.

Added a gyre 130 to increase flow, have it on alternating current every few minutes. Added a new rock and a few corals, including an sps, but the coral beauty may be nipping at it just because I haven't seen a lot of polyp extension. My torch is coming back after all the stuff I have put it through, but 2 heads are still neon white with minimal extension, but hoping that with time it comes back.

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Some photo updates:
My black snowflake clownfish was getting picked on by my white clownfish, lost his pec fins. Hopefully they continue to grow back, he is otherwise eating and acting normal.

Also starting to get coralline on the new tank.


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Was out of the country for a month, came back to a ton of salt creep and some Cyanobacteria. It was ugly. Did a water change and some cleaning today. Everything looks decent, still disappointed with the torch polyps that left the skeleton, but everything else is good. I had a few fish die offs, not sure why. Lost a clown, diamond back Goby, and green chromis in the last 3 months. Hope the tank stays stable for awhile, and then maybe I'll add another clown. Starting to lose the itch a little with the fish mortalities, but when the tank is clean it looks great and I'm happy it.

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Just a quick update:

Tank is progressing well, and I'm getting a lot of grow out on some of my softies and finally sold my first frag. My torch is finally growing back after losing several heads after using the wrong silicon in making my sump. I finally added a piece that I have wanted since seeing it in Spartanmans 80, a blue gigantea from Aquapros. Looking forward to seeing it grow.


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Hey everyone, just updating my thread. Added several new corals, including a leather, toadstool, some plays and a flame bta from wojteks. I'm looking to change my lighting soon to some AI prime HDs.

Thanks for looking

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Hey all,

Been a while since I have done an update. Some good things and some bad things have happened over the last few months.

1. Changed my lighting to 2 AI Prime HDs. I had a Current Orbit Pro, but it just wasn't giving me the coverage I needed on my 36x18 tank. Had a lot of dark spots in the front and back of the tank, and felt like some of my corals were not getting enough light. The 2 AI primes provide great coverage, plus its awesome to be able to control them from my phone.
2. Fish and corals have been thriving, I have been able to frag some zoas for the first time, and make some sales to help pay for the tank, but also give others some cheap corals

1. Bought a blue/purple carpet anemone back in February, and it was great. It is the same I have previous pictures of. One of my clowns was hosting in it constantly, which I loved. Then after a month, it started to move. Of course, this happened a day before I was going on vacation for a week. When I came back, it was nowhere to be found. Turns out, it shrank up and buried itself in the sandbed (I can see the foot on the bottom of the tank). Really upsetting because it was the most expensive piece I have bought for the tank, but also not sure why/what happened. It is still there, but still has not returned to glory.
2. I have also been dealing with some regular green algae on the sandbed and glass, but have dialed back my feed schedule and the sandbed algae has gone away, but still getting it pretty consistently on the glass.

The next picture is a recent pic with the new lights, and I'll add some closeups tomorrow when I work on the tank.

Felt like my tank was looking pretty today, wanted to share. I have a little bit of green algae on some new rocks I added, but otherwise things are looking good. Finally getting some growth on a birds nest frag (my only sps) Still have a few spots to fill with some zoas or an anenome.

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