First Saltwater Tank

Sorry to see that. Pretty gruesome. Was the blenny acting strange or anything? What other fish in the tank?
Blenny was acting normal as far as I could tell. Even saw it eating right away. I have a pair of clowns, coral beauty and solare wrasse. And for nems, I have a large bubble tip, a small bubble tip and the rock flower

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wow sorry to hear and see. Something else def had to happen to weaken it to the point a flower nem could grab hold.
I came home and the nem spit out the rest of the fish, it was pretty gross. Of course my skimmer went nuts. I saw the wrasse peck at it once yesterday, but that was it.

Tank is doing well otherwise, lots of good growth on corals including my only SPS birds nest. This one has been running for 14 months now, and I'm running out of room. Need to clear some room so I can try another carpet anemone.

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yup then the addiction comes like a plague! Upgrade fever will come to lol

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Nice tank I got the same one ...I love the 34g dimensions now I just have to wait till it fills you like that gyre for that tank...was thinking of getting one but thought it would be way to much flow

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I like it, it’s set on a low setting so it doesn’t blow sand around, but the pulse mode or reverse flow works well

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I like it, it’s set on a low setting so it doesn’t blow sand around, but the pulse mode or reverse flow works well

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Is it the the actual brand or the knock off version

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Your AI Primes, how are you liking them? How high above the tank do you have them to cover the 36” tank?
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