Fish Changing Color


New member
I recently bought a FoxFace Lo Rabbit Fish. I was moving rocks around today and probably spooked it and all of a sudden it changed color into all black and white. Seems like it was trying to comouflage itself and was just standing still next to the rocks. it changed back to yellow after awhile. I did not know that rabbit fish's changed color. Anyone have similar experience?
I recently bought a FoxFace Lo Rabbit Fish. I was moving rocks around today and probably spooked it and all of a sudden it changed color into all black and white. Seems like it was trying to comouflage itself and was just standing still next to the rocks. it changed back to yellow after awhile. I did not know that rabbit fish's changed color. Anyone have similar experience?

Yes ours change colors when it's scared, not really persay stressed. They are also sometimes called chameleon fish because of their color changing habits. Mine is called Foxy Brown and she's gotta budunkadunk from eating too much lol

If you didn't know, watch out for their spikey fins for they are poisonous.