Fluval Edge convert

Bit of a question about my torch. Yesterday it was squirting brown thin ribbon-like substance from all of its mouths. It did it for a few minutes, closed completely up and then opened back up in full glory. (I have attached a picture from a few minutes ago) I thought it was just waste but wanted to be sure. Any thoughts?

It's either waste or Zooxanthella (bleaching). Does it look like it is getting more pale? You are putting a lot of light in that little tank! Most likely waste though.
Update: so I posted the question on MCF's facebook and they got back to me that it was just waste! Who knew? Thanks for the replies!
It's either waste or Zooxanthella (bleaching). Does it look like it is getting more pale? You are putting a lot of light in that little tank! Most likely waste though.

I turn up the lights a little when I take the pic otherwise my iphone photographs it as just a blue box :stupid:
I turn up the lights a little when I take the pic otherwise my iphone photographs it as just a blue box :stupid:

Don't feel bad, there are millions of us out there with iPhones that have no clue how to take a decent photograph unless its in the most ideal sun lit situation outside on a cloudless day....
Updated pics! I had a bit of a mutiny with one crab that was knocking everything down so I gave him to Brad (rattyE36) and glued everything back...slowly things are popping back alive! You can see him in the pic...the giant brown/yellow shell. I also got a new coral from MCF but don't know the name (need to find out)
Looking good Christina! I'm impressed, most people aren't able to work with such a small tank and keep it so CLEAN! If you post the pic we would be happy to identify your new coral. :)