Fluval Edge & Maroon Clownfish


New member
Hey all.. I have an Edge in my basement as my main little display tank, and was mis-informed by my LFS that a maroon was a good choice for it... I didn't think anything of it and when I got home realized they can get much larger than the percs in my other tank...

I'm blaming it on my newb status, etc, but the question is..... He's a tiny little guy right now, do I leave him for a while and trade for him then, or get him out ASAP? The LFS hooked me up with him gratis as I spend a decent amount of cash there... With the way the tank is, he might be an extreme pain in the *** to get out, so I'm thinking to wait until he's a little bigger.

Anyways, besides trading him back to the LFS, is anyone here interested in trading for a nice Maroon Clown? I'm not sure he would do so well in my 36G with my 2 true percs so he's not going in there.
i believe the fluvals are 5 gallons. The maroons do tend to get quite big. Id go on the safe side and just take him out.
If that is the case, put the maroon on suicide alert by placing egg crate over the top of the tank. Then find a new home for it.