Fluval Edge Mini Reef


New member
Hey guys! I present to you, the reason why I got into reefing... My wife loved this little tank, and after googling, and seeing what some people had done with it.. I was hooked! This tank is a work in progress for a number of reasons that I will explain below...

- Fluval Edge, 6.6 Gallons


- Maroon Clownfish (I know, he is going back to the LFS on a trade, or to someone here who wants to trade). I'm looking at a small community fish, YWG or something maybe.
- Peppermint Shrimp
- Emerald Crab
- Thin Striped Hermit Crab (Was sold as a blue legged crab to me).


- Temporarily, Coralife Fuge light
- The light (whenever NanoCustoms can get it to me) will be the Fluval Edge Custom LED fixture which can be found here

- 5 lbs of Live Rock
- Couple lbs of CaribSea live sand
- Standard Fluval Edge AC filter, with Purigen & Filter floss as the media
- Weekly to bi-weekly 10% water changes, depending on test results


- Duncan Coral
- Frogspawn frag
- Mini Zoa frag

The tank when the LED gets here will get much more coral, including some SPS, this current fuge light will go upstairs into my 60G Sump fuge, and is absolutely temporary...

Thanks for looking, appreciate any comments. I know the pictures kinda suck, but I am learning how to take pictures, and there isn't much lighting with this temporary fuge light..

Also keep in mind I had just done a water change, and moved the frogspawn and zoas from the sand bed, so they are recessed.. I'll take more pictures when everyone opens up.









Looking good. The LED fixture should really help to brighten it up. Got lots of room to fill in there, and you are right that the maroon should go back.

You need lots of light in the tank to get a good picture. Until then, turn the flash off on your camera and make the room very very dark. When you take a photo in this condition, you will probably need to set the camera on the table or put it on a tripod because the shutter will stay open longer due to the dark conditions and any amount of movement will cause blurriness.

Even when the LED comes in, do the same and you should get better results.
Thanks for the kind words guys! The Coralife Fuge lights really blows and the frogspawn barely opens up at all, but as long as they sustain and can live for now (which they have for almost a month now), the LEDs will blow these guys away!

You ain't seen nothin' yet.. neither have I! I can't wait until it's stocked. It has been bare for so long.

What two fish would be good for this tank.. I wanted a yellow watchman Goby, what else could be in here?
Tom, Looking good! The only criticism I have is you should have made a much shallower sand bed (it's not too late to change that).
I've wanted to get one of these little tanks for my office, still need to convince my boss it would be a good idea...

Jeni, why do you say he should go with a shallower sand bed?
Tom, Looking good! The only criticism I have is you should have made a much shallower sand bed (it's not too late to change that).

hmm OK, it has been that way for months, and haven't had any issues with the sand bed... It has stayed neat and clean with almost no input from me, besides the CUC...

When the new LEDs get here, it will change completely.
If not running a DSB (Not possible in a nano), it is better to keep shallow. Also takes up precious room for water.
If not running a DSB (Not possible in a nano), it is better to keep shallow. Also takes up precious room for water.

Maybe you're right, but this was my first reef tank, and I go by the saying, if it ain't broke don't fix it :) The sand here is cleaner in this tank, and the parameters are more stable than my big tank. This is the ideal tank, I love it and can't wait to move it on my office desk once this big 36G tank is migrated into the dream cube upstairs :)