For all the dog lovers out there.. Show off your dog :)

Is the black one the french? We have a french/boston that looks so much like yours.

Yes she is. Coco has about 1/4 of boston in her if I remember correctly, which explains the longer legs. She definetly has the frenchi stubborn personality though lol
Here is the only pic I could find of our big dog...... We also have a rat terrier that is 11 years old.

But here is Rommel the big baby! He is just under 2 and weighs 185 pounds. He is a English Mastiff.

here is mine sleeping in his favorite chair:


and sitting on his bed on top of the couch after we put it up there to sweep and mop the floor:
After the little princess got done playing at the doggy park and getting a bath.. Seriously this little dog has the good life lol
