Found another one


I found this guy in the bottom of my quarantine tank. I think this guy does not look as friendly as the last one I found. Can you please help ID it?


Yep, that's a xanthid, probably something in the genus Actaeodes. Species in this genus:

  • Have a broad carapace - much more broad than deep (front to back), with a:
  • ______Narrowing at the posterior, hind end
  • ______Rumply/furrowed surface
  • ______Somewhat beaded, or granular texture
  • ______Either a light/slight covering of short hairs (can appear downy-like) or scattered stiff hairs (typically either within the furrows or on the granules themselves)
  • Have short legs with varying degrees of hairiness and "beading"
  • Have heavy claws with like variations.
  • May have red eyes
  • Are omnivorous, but at least one species has been reported to include zoanthids in its diet
  • Tend to remain small (typically ~1-2.5" total carapace width)
  • Are fairly frequent hitchhikers

That pretty much sums up what I know about these guys. If you haven't already, I'd definitely leave it out of the display (perhaps put it in a sump - not in a 'fuge though), or find it another home. Here's a link to an example of this genus (Actaeodes tomentosus):
There are also a ton of photos of these crabs on the web - just plug in Actaeodes into any image search engine and you'll be good to go!

Take care,
Yep, that's a xanthid, probably something in the genus Actaeodes. Species in this genus:

  • Have a broad carapace - much more broad than deep (front to back), with a:
  • ______Narrowing at the posterior, hind end
  • ______Rumply/furrowed surface
  • ______Somewhat beaded, or granular texture
  • ______Either a light/slight covering of short hairs (can appear downy-like) or scattered stiff hairs (typically either within the furrows or on the granules themselves)
  • Have short legs with varying degrees of hairiness and "beading"
  • Have heavy claws with like variations.
  • May have red eyes
  • Are omnivorous, but at least one species has been reported to include zoanthids in its diet
  • Tend to remain small (typically ~1-2.5" total carapace width)
  • Are fairly frequent hitchhikers

That pretty much sums up what I know about these guys. If you haven't already, I'd definitely leave it out of the display (perhaps put it in a sump - not in a 'fuge though), or find it another home. Here's a link to an example of this genus (Actaeodes tomentosa):
There are also a ton of photos of these crabs on the web - just plug in Actaeodes into any image search engine and you'll be good to go!

Take care,

Thanks. it does have red eyes and looks very similiar to the photo. Its in my quarantine tank now not causing any issues so he can stay there for a while.

Thanks for the information
You're very welcome,Tom. It sounds like you've got the crab in the best place possible for now!