FRAGTOBERFEST 2012 - October 13 - Bloomington, Illinois


The Bloomington Normal Area Reef Club (BNARC) is hosting its annual FRAGTOBERFEST on Saturday, October 13 at the Interstate Center in Bloomington, IL. Times are 11:00 am - 3:00 pm. There are still spaces left for sponsors/vendors/sellers.

For additional information, check out our website at Fragtoberfest 2012

We look forward to seeing you there!
For those of you taking the trip down, make sure to stop by our booth and say hi! We will be there with lots of frags, and of course our full line of PAR bulbs!
I am ABSOLUTELY GOING!!! I have heard all vendor spaces are sold out. With some new vendors coming thathaven't been around here. Jason Fox is also coming with some of his always great stuff.
FWIW, It's only about 2 hours away. Not a bad drive. The Interestate Center is super easy to get to. Very close to
Might cruise on down if I can get up and sneak out of the house before my girlfriend wakes up. Need to use my Batman stealth skills. lol! We're supposed to have the parents and my grandma over that night for dinner.
It's really a smooth drive once you get away from the Chicago area. Unfortunately, my mother-n-law is visiting otherwise I'd make the trip. Good luck with the swap!
Too bad this is back to back with the CMAS swap (I think the WI club did that too, but the week after) otherwise we would of been there.
I picked up some crazy shrooms. He has some wicked chalices. A purple bodied yellow rim.

I almost bought tons of stuff because he was trying to get rid of stuff. Was very slow while I was there
I picked up some crazy shrooms. He has some wicked chalices. A purple bodied yellow rim.

I almost bought tons of stuff because he was trying to get rid of stuff. Was very slow while I was there

Hmmm interesting!!! I've been on a chalice craze lately