FTT (full tank Thursdays)

Last week, but close enough.
Filling in nicely cant believe that emperor isnt munching away

Thanks, who said he ain't munching. If I don't feed the tank enough, he eats Blue Matrix for dinner. Seriously, that's his favorite. Every time it grows a new arm, it is mysteriously missing. He nips a few other colonies too, but not enough for me to want to banish him.
Thanks, who said he ain't munching. If I don't feed the tank enough, he eats Blue Matrix for dinner. Seriously, that's his favorite. Every time it grows a new arm, it is mysteriously missing. He nips a few other colonies too, but not enough for me to want to banish him.

Lol they definitely know to be coral eaters but so cool love it
Now just have to setup reefkeep

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So u did get it probably dont have a sid with it so i probably gotta come over and use mine also got that skimmer back for u . Download myreef2.0 on u lap top so it ready for when i make it out there