Getting Bounce


So was wondering got a bounce from a LFS and hasn't bounced yet. Is there a way to get a bounce mushroom to start bouncing, or is it more of waiting game for it to do it on its own? If anyone is curious as what it looks like it's the one pictured in my avatar.
So was wondering got a bounce from a LFS and hasn't bounced yet. Is there a way to get a bounce mushroom to start bouncing, or is it more of waiting game for it to do it on its own? If anyone is curious as what it looks like it's the one pictured in my avatar.

heres a WWC Bounce bounce , not really a waiting game curious what you were told or promised upon sale of your shroom ..
I picked it up for $60 which i guess could be an indicator of possibly not being a bounce or going to bounce. Though it was talked about as it should the owner implied it would, and an employee of the store has one as well and says his looks like it's going to bounce i don't know what indicates that one is close bouncing though. Even if it doesn't still a pretty cool shroom imo. I did do a google search and there did come up a red bounce from JF looked kinda similar. The LFS has sold green bounces for $40 and less so not worried that i was taken to the cleaner so to speak. The LFS is trust worthy was probably sold to him as a bounce so that's what he sold it as. If it was $100 or more then i would be worried but he had some that had more pronounced vesicles bounces for about $100+ but just run of the mill green ones.
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just wait a year prices will be much more reasonable. they things grow fast and everyone is fragging like crazy.

yeah pretty much they use to be $800 now you can get the ones pictured in the post for $300 or so. Never really understood why they had such a high price tag since they seemed to be so hardy and they could be cut with out worry. It is what it is which is fine if you can get hundreds for them that's great some people just don't have or want to drop hundreds on one coral especially a shroom.
just wait a year prices will be much more reasonable. they things grow fast and everyone is fragging like crazy.

thats what they said last year and prices have'nt come down ....

- - - Updated - - -

yeah pretty much they use to be $800 now you can get the ones pictured in the post for $300 or so. Never really understood why they had such a high price tag since they seemed to be so hardy and they could be cut with out worry. It is what it is which is fine if you can get hundreds for them that's great some people just don't have or want to drop hundreds on one coral especially a shroom.

let me know where those $300.00 pictured ones are and i'll take 6 and FED EX ca$h in an envelope
Hop on ebay range from $1,000-$5. There is a sunkist one now up for bid not even over $200. And those are ebay sellers, hobbyists i've seen for $300+ but they are gone instantly.
So was wondering got a bounce from a LFS and hasn't bounced yet. Is there a way to get a bounce mushroom to start bouncing, or is it more of waiting game for it to do it on its own? If anyone is curious as what it looks like it's the one pictured in my avatar.

Some said (May Be - Not Sure) shroom start bounce under 95% blue leds... Hope your shroom get bounce soon. It's still nice mushroom for that price...

Here is mine long ago..

Some said (May Be - Not Sure) shroom start bounce under 95% blue leds... Hope your shroom get bounce soon. It's still nice mushroom for that price...

Here is mine long ago..


yeah i actually followed the thread from when i think you did a group buy with a few people on a bounce pretty neat. I'll try the blues can't hurt anything, i also hope it bounces be pretty sweet looking if it did, even though it looks nice now.
Hop on ebay range from $1,000-$5. There is a sunkist one now up for bid not even over $200. And those are ebay sellers, hobbyists i've seen for $300+ but they are gone instantly.

I buy alot off ebay and scored a dozen nice corals between yesterday and this afternoon .. i've seen pinky fingernail size for 500.00 from hobbyist on these 3 reef sites and the only 300.00 shroom i've seen was the green godspawn in lockport and theres no comparison to a true Bounce ... use these sites lots of experienced and knowledgeable reefers with very very good advice ...
I buy alot off ebay and scored a dozen nice corals between yesterday and this afternoon .. i've seen pinky fingernail size for 500.00 from hobbyist on these 3 reef sites and the only 300.00 shroom i've seen was the green godspawn in lockport and theres no comparison to a true Bounce ... use these sites lots of experienced and knowledgeable reefers with very very good advice ...

I have one muhhhhhhaahhhh
These are God Spawns I sold . I don't buy into the name scams too many people are bad people . Your shroom has the caractoristics of a radactous

This is a radactous for comparison
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