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honestly if you get this upset over the actions of a few people on a forum, you really shouldn't be on the internet at all. If you cant handle anonymous name calling, those who presume to always be correct, or useless arguments, you shouldn't be on a forum at all. And IMO those are all things that make the internet fun, not necessarily fun for the family, but who says it needs to be.

Honestly I hate posts like these. If you truly want to leave this site then just go. There is no need for a goodbye song and dance, unless your goal is attention (not saying that it is, just implying so). If you want to say goodbye, do so privately to those that you knew or the site staff.
I also hate anything passive aggressive, if you wish to use "members actions" as your scapegoat for leaving, then either say what they were or don't mention it at all. Being vague does not help the site correct these members actions, nor does it do anything constructive.

on that note,
toodles :wave:

You just made yourself look like a jerk for writing that, but then again, that's your opinion.
The Karma button does work both ways, but IME it unfortunately is far too easily abused for petty vengeance or to take yet another stab at other members that disagree. I believe that with time, a persons own posts and experiences that are absorbed by other members will be more valuable than some inaccurate Karma rating.

Good Point! Thanks!
While I am against deleting and locking threads, this one should have been locked after the OP. She said her piece, the rest only causes drama. Agree or disagree with the initial post, this thread should have been nipped in the bud a long time ago.

This forum has an excellent set of moderators in place right now and once we get past the drama that is the past and focus on the job at hand this forum can get back to the business of growing.
While I am against deleting and locking threads, this one should have been locked after the OP. She said her piece, the rest only causes drama. Agree or disagree with the initial post, this thread should have been nipped in the bud a long time ago.

This forum has an excellent set of moderators in place right now and once we get past the drama that is the past and focus on the job at hand this forum can get back to the business of growing.

I have to disagree, the only "drama" being caused by this thread is coming from the people that are looking to cause it. With that said, the thread has not run off-topic and the OP has not requested it be closed.
honestly if you get this upset over the actions of a few people on a forum, you really shouldn't be on the internet at all. If you cant handle anonymous name calling, those who presume to always be correct, or useless arguments, you shouldn't be on a forum at all. And IMO those are all things that make the internet fun, not necessarily fun for the family, but who says it needs to be.

Honestly I hate posts like these. If you truly want to leave this site then just go. There is no need for a goodbye song and dance, unless your goal is attention (not saying that it is, just implying so). If you want to say goodbye, do so privately to those that you knew or the site staff.
I also hate anything passive aggressive, if you wish to use "members actions" as your scapegoat for leaving, then either say what they were or don't mention it at all. Being vague does not help the site correct these members actions, nor does it do anything constructive.

on that note,
toodles :wave:

That was very rude. If this is an example, I don't blame her for wanting to leave here. Pretty sad really.
I don't really know you or your husband Tammy, but fwiw, its too bad you have had such bad experiences that you feel the need to leave. I wish you wouldn't, but if you do, good luck!

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honestly if you get this upset over the actions of a few people on a forum, you really shouldn't be on the internet at all. If you cant handle anonymous name calling, those who presume to always be correct, or useless arguments, you shouldn't be on a forum at all. And IMO those are all things that make the internet fun, not necessarily fun for the family, but who says it needs to be.

Honestly I hate posts like these. If you truly want to leave this site then just go. There is no need for a goodbye song and dance, unless your goal is attention (not saying that it is, just implying so). If you want to say goodbye, do so privately to those that you knew or the site staff.
I also hate anything passive aggressive, if you wish to use "members actions" as your scapegoat for leaving, then either say what they were or don't mention it at all. Being vague does not help the site correct these members actions, nor does it do anything constructive.

on that note,
toodles :wave:

While this is a pretty blunt way of saying it I do think that WeePee raises some valid points. What exactly were you trying to gain from writing your fair well/ complaint letter?

I can speak from personal experience that CR is probably the most kind, mellow, and polite forum that I'm on. I belong to a number of car forums where there are people that will literally SH** talk and bash people til the cows come home.

You might want to re-evaluate if you want to be on forums at all if you are unable to disregard when a person makes a dumb or rude comment. It's just the internet after all.

Not trying to add fuel to the fire or sound like a jerk because I value my good name on this forum. I'm just a little confused.


I can speak from personal experience that CR is probably the most kind, mellow, and polite forum that I'm on. I belong to a number of car forums where there are people that will literally SH** talk and bash people til the cows come home.

Reminds me of chitownracing,Gotta love it.

And Brad is correct,most forums are rude and they will bash you pretty bad,although this is a reef forum,things should stay a bit friendlier,things will tend to get opiniated and tempers will flare,it won't be enough for me to wanna leave,but maybe take a few days away from it all.In the end we all have one thing in common which is our saltwater tanks and can be adults about the silly side-shows we tend to put on from time to time.

Happy Reefing to all :damnmate:
While this is a pretty blunt way of saying it I do think that WeePee raises some valid points. What exactly were you trying to gain from writing your fair well/ complaint letter?

I can speak from personal experience that CR is probably the most kind, mellow, and polite forum that I'm on. I belong to a number of car forums where there are people that will literally SH** talk and bash people til the cows come home.

You might want to re-evaluate if you want to be on forums at all if you are unable to disregard when a person makes a dumb or rude comment. It's just the internet after all.

Not trying to add fuel to the fire or sound like a jerk because I value my good name on this forum. I'm just a little confused.



I don't think that's the point of her expressing her reasoning- because if anyone would see me in person I am pretty open and I am pretty friendly and I don't think I would all off a sudden come on a forum site and talk Sh@$ to someone on the forum- everyone seems to be nice in person, but behind the computer everyone's balls grow 10X bigger.

I wish one of you fools would get out of hand like this on the forum with me- not to take it personal but come to my house fake then Talk BS on a forum to someone, bash then tear them down yes it rude and disappointing because this is suppose to be a Forum with different opinions- but it seems everyone opinion needs to matter. Let me not continue on before it really get out of hand....
I don't know y ppl's feelings get hurt? These r just opinions. No 2 tanks r the same. What works for me might not work for u. Yea they might b sum rude ppl. So what. No one is perfect.
I'm sorry if I sound like a jerk but come on. This post was drama waiting to happen. This goodbye could of been sent through pm's to the ppl that u really got along with. Not make it public and kinda blame certain ppl cuz ur ur feeling r hurt. This is the Internet like how ppl say is filled with small ppl acting like big ppl. If u don't like it them all we can say is happy reefing , hope all goes well and u feel more comfortable in another forum.
Like I said Im not starting anything it's just my opinion.
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