Got a blue maxima clam yippeee

you mean directly under the beam ??

its too strong ..i only turned it up like 40 percent and its like 3 times brighter than my pcs... i doubt clams can take that much light

You'd be surprised at how much light clams can handle. I have my maximas under 2 MH 250 HQI's in the CENTER of my tank where the 2 lights cross paths. They are getting 250 PAR on the SB and they are, well....happy as clams :)
You'd be surprised at how much light clams can handle. I have my maximas under 2 MH 250 HQI's in the CENTER of my tank where the 2 lights cross paths. They are getting 250 PAR on the SB and they are, well....happy as clams :)

haha ok ill move it to the center directly under light and onto a rock :D Thanks
Keep in mind, whatever rock it decides to plant it's foot on and call home is it. No moving it around anymore after that unless the rock goes with. I'd suggest getting a nice small piece of rock it can comfortably attach to first, then place it where you like.
Keep in mind, whatever rock it decides to plant it's foot on and call home is it. No moving it around anymore after that unless the rock goes with. I'd suggest getting a nice small piece of rock it can comfortably attach to first, then place it where you like.

ok. i knew this :) it attaches with some kinda strings right ??

also some one mentioned about vent of the clam being lower end .. i didnt get clarity on this one .. went in the sense ?
Tjat was me ive read that the vent the open part in clam should be slightly lower then the triangle thing you mentioned however once it attatches let it be move whole rock and dont attempt to pull off youll kill it also if its not happy it will move on its own mine always shifted to catch the flow thrn stayed put
i was about to place it on the rock this week and this morning found something unusual..

the byssal or foot of the clam is detached from it .. the clam still opens up beautifully and all but the foot is just laying on the side of the clam and clam moved a bit i guess ..

is this normal for clams to ocmpletely detach from its foot ?
i did take some pics but they are turning out weird under my new lights :( used to ocme out pretty under pcs but with these leds they are all hazed up .. .:( working on getting pics lol
You need to shoot in RAW if you can, and post process the white balance when importing the image. LED make digital camera sensors go haywire trying to interpret what they see.
the clam just splitt wide open and looks like the muscle is deteriorating :(

it is fine the other day and when i went back home yestrday i reached late but when i saw my tank .. :( the clam is split wide open like some one cracked it open .. and all the muscle inside it is gone ..

whats happening ? is it dead ?
i hate it when things happen overnite ..

my hawk died the same way .. everthing looks fine at nite and the next day when i get back from work something is dead :(
two things i did diffeerently recently

1. got pods from reefstogo
2. started doing that vit c dosing

can anyone of thse two might have affected clams health in a negative way ?