Got acropora burnt tips / STN with carbon dosing?


This information is in many places, but I figured I'd share my local experience.

If you are keeping acropora watch your dkh! Recommended is close to nsw 6.5-8 dkh. No higher than 8 dkh. Otherwise reported issues are burnt tips and stn. I found this out first hand.
I was carbon dosing vitamin C and brightwell reef biofuel for 2 weeks and all acros looked great. However, it doesnt matter which carbon dosing you are doing. Zeovit, biopellets, vodka, vinegar, ect. It is more common with zeovit and biopellets becuase of how easy it is to overdose and things to get out of contol. It can happen with any carbon dosing though. I started out dosing very slowly at under 1/2 recommended dose just incase I saw any issues. For the first two weeks everything looked great. A little after 2 weeks, I started getting burnt tips on a few acros and some started to stn from the base slowly. These issues were on only about 8-10 of my acros, out of 100+ frags. This was more than enough for me to take action.
As I found out, and many sources claim:
Having extra high lighting (my AIs at 100%) + ULNS (carbon dosing vit c/biofuel) + Higher alk (11 dkh) = Notorious recipe for acropora base STN.

I caught on immediately and fixed these 3 issues. I didnt lose a single frag. The stn on my acros base have completely stopped, and they have already grown/healed over the stn parts like nothing ever happened. I was able to stop all stn in my acro frags without ever touching/moving/dipping/fragging the corals. Once I fixed my issues, they healed back to 100% on their own. Most of the ones that started to stn were newer frags that have only been in my tank for a few months and havent fully encrusted. Although some were semi-encrusted. The burnt tips healed remarkably fast. I had never had burnt tips on my acros before, but it took only 3-4 days for them to completely heal back to normal. Cant even tell they had an issue.

I had to take these steps:
Lighting - I ran my AI LEDs all colors at 100%, which are notoriously bright. I turned down white to 60% (and lowered the fixture an inch), but kept blue and royal blue at 100%. I dont know why I didnt do this earlier, the colors in my tank are much nicer! Anyway, I am still getting great light on my corals and am no longer blasting them with light. I never really had issues with them running at 100% but once you turn them down for over a week and some of the corals start to color back up you realize you may have overdone it.

Carbon Dosing - I immediately stopped carbon dosing until I had everything perfect again.

Alkalinity - Took a look at why my alk was getting so high. I did notice I was running higher than normal at 11 dkh. Recently I had even turned off my Ca reactor. I normally try run around 9.5 dkh. So I did a 10% (15g) water change and I tested my water again, and my dkh went up! I was a bit confused... I make another 10% and this time I tested my water in the mixing tank which I havent done in a while. Well, turns out I didnt realize Red Sea Coral Pro changed their formula and instead of adding new salt at 8 dkh as I am used to, it was now being added (10% a week) at 15-16 dkh! I did some research online and there were multiple people who experienced the same issue, and they did in fact change their formula (they said it should be 13 dkh, but I had 15-16). I dumped the 15g out instead of adding it to my tank. Switched to Tropic Marin Pro which read a nice 8.5 dkh / 480 Ca / 1365 Mag. Water change brought tank dkh to a more manageable level. I am now running the tank at 7.5-8 dkh and all of the acros who began to stn are completely healed.

Went through this entire process without losing a single frag. I have since restarted carbon dosing and am getting even better results than when I started. Note though that I am also dosing Elos Omega and ProSkimmer now.
Recommendations for those thinking about starting: As many people have said many times, start slow! Start with a lower than recommended dose. If you see any issues stop immediately and discover why you have these issues before continueing. Ask for help if you need it because there are people who have been in your scenario before.
Glad things turned around for you.. In my case :( I stoped BP and started my old ways with WC, GFO and carbon.. Things are looking much better for me after losing all my SPS and some zoas..

Now I have hope for using Puffer C down the road :D
Good info by chance did this have effects on just ypur acros or all sps monti and such

I only have acros. :D
And it was only a few. Maybe 8-10 out of the 100+ frags I have. Some had minor burnt tips/stn, some had significant.
Most other 90 or so acro frags looked great and had no issues at all.
A few were Icefire (stn), Pink Matrix (stn), Blue avatar (stn), JF BLue Flame (bad burnt tips only on the side of strong light, still healing), Joe's Rainbow Acro (very minor burning, not the tip, but a small spot on the side directly facing the light, fully healed already). Can't recall the others right now.

By the way the Joes rainbow frag is a notorious slow grower (well, from the 5 or so people who have it lol). I am so excited mine is encrusting fast finally (healthy semi-thick) and almost covering the plug! 250$ for 1/3" stub? Worth it! :D
I was dosing so low, there really wasn't ever any risk of losing any of them. If I was overdosing I would have been in trouble though!
This is why I started at less than 1/4 of recommended dose. I would not risk losing a single frag.

'Significant' stn to me is 1/5" ring around the encrusting part of a frag. Which is nowhere near the amount that put me in jeopardy of losing the frag (unless I continued to dose and didn't solve the problem).

My refugium does a decent job of keeping my levels low, I just started carbon dosing to give it that little extra, and it does seem to be beneficial.
I was dosing so low, my chaeto was still growing. The growth was drastically lower, but still a little.

I just went through a similar issue with biopellets. I started them late last year to help get rid of excess nutrients and algae (had Anthias group at the time) and am using about 500 ml for my 120G or so water volume. Saw a difference after about 6 weeks and all algae started to disappear. Over the last 6 months all traces of the problem algae I had disappeared, but SPS color has been fading. I went on a week vacation about a month ago and fed less than I usually do with the auto feeder, and boom, a lot of the SPS faded dramatically or was unhappy, cheato/xenia receeding bigtime, and clam unhappy too. I knew the biopellets really kicked in then, and I am now feeding the crap out of the fish and corals instead of the light feedings I used to do.

I also had a problem with Red Sea Coral Pro and its elevated levels bumping my Alk every time I did a water change (10G per week). I could not keep things stable with my dosers and my alk kept climbing above 8.5. This stressed the SPS a lot more so I changed to the regular Red Sea Salt formula that has perfect sea level parameters. Now, I finally have everything under control (still trying to get Alk down at 8 or below) and color is returning.

Man, this hobby can be so frustrating at times, especially with SPS. But I guess I like a challenge :D