GugsJr 120 pen tank switch to triton


So I decided to switch my 120 dos dominant tank to triton method. I have my 2nd DOS pump on its way as well as the core7 and 3 tests to send. They should be here on 10-17-17.

Just completed my triton method sump. Refugium first ( 16.5 × 17.375 x 10) skimmer section ( 10 x 17.375 x 8 ) return ( 6 x 17.375 x 8)

Big thanks to reefswagger for getting the baffles for me.

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Looks like a good start. What made you switch to Triton? Whole bunch of testing and dosing all sorts of crap.

Tired of doing water changes, I was doing an automatic water change but I still needed to do water changes to siphon the sand bed. Then noticed I was getting consistent reading on my mag, alk and calcium.

After the research it seemed it would give me the most consistency with the least amount of work.

Good news was it detected a high level of tin, which was from a metal.hose clamp the rusted out and fell into my sump. Probably from when I switched sump.

I would recommend doing a triton test even if you don't do the actual method
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Yea I agree with you water changes suck especially when you have to keep up with the sand bed, but dosing all those different elements is also a pain. Your sand bed is staying clean now that you are running this method and no WC's?
Yea I agree with you water changes suck especially when you have to keep up with the sand bed, but dosing all those different elements is also a pain. Your sand bed is staying clean now that you are running this method and no WC's?

I haven't had to clean the sand bed at all. I have a little bit of hair algae on a few pieces of live rock but that was mostly because I accidentally dumped food from my auto feeder into the tank when I redid my light brackets. I did siphon what I could with a filter sock. The CUC is taking care of the hair algae.

Dosing isn't hard at all. I have 2 Apex DOS pumps that pump in 7.5 ML of fluid throughout the day. I just check the parameters every Sunday and adjust accordingly. Once I get the number dialed in I won't really have to adjust any more.

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