GugsJr Redsea 130D build


Decided to pick up a " nano" for a nem/storm build.

Picked up a Red Sea 130D setup just had to trade some frags to start a new build apart from my 210.

Plan is to have bubble tips and a pair of Storm clowns.

Debating pistol shrimp and goby combo and cleaner shrimp since I can't have them in my 210.

Currently has 2 55w power compacts will probably replace with rapid led diy kit I have laying around.


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Nice! Sounds like a good trade!
Worked out pretty well guy had a wipeout due to heaters getting stuck on and didn't want to buy new corals.

Can't wait to get started on it this weekend

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Well decided to get it setup and completed.

Took the rock I had seeding in my sump, 25 gallons water from my display and 10ish new.

Now to wait for my Storms to arrive. Going 1.Black storm and 1 orange storm.

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I haven't added to this one since I've set it up. Will post my favorite combination

Porcelain Crac and his Chicago Sunburst

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By far my favorite crab...interesting, attractive, peaceful, and often in view.

Unfortunately my H.cosmetus wrasse eats crustaceans :(