Happy 3 years anniversary CR Giveaway!


Active member
Today is ChicagoReef's 3rd birthday! We had our ups and definitely some downs (recent crash), but we have a solid community here that will continue to grow and prosper. There may be others, but no one can duplicate the same great and caring community that took 3 years to develop here on CR.

In order to celebrate our 3 years anniversary,
we are giving away a ChicagoReefs V2 tshirts to 3 members tonight.


In order to qualify,

1. 1 post on any thread besides the marketplace. Hopefully the post will be educational.
2. Post on this thread and tell us how long you have been with CR

Good luck everyone!!!
I'm in, been on CR since close to the start...then was off CR...then back on....then off again....now back on again!
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i am the 3rd member to join , (4th now since the crash) .NO ACTIVE MEMBERS BEFORE ME BESIDES EYEREEF and he created this place !!! happy bday chi reefs and congrats mike awesome community here
i am the 3rd member to join , (4th now since the crash) .NO ACTIVE MEMBERS BEFORE ME BESIDES EYEREEF and he created this place

blah, blah, blah, Some people think they're entiteled around here. Some of us have only been here a year plus and don't even have 1K posts.
Ive been with for 5 months now and a premium member after the Christmas party. I saw what a great friendship everyone has together and thought it would be fitting to go in full!

Great community and congrats on 3 years!
I've been on since 3-08-2011
Glad to b part of CR.

I started with a 12 gallon nano, then changed to a 27g cube and now I have a 30g deep blue rr tank.
Not huge upgrades but 3 very different tank .
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I joined a little over a year ago. When I joined, I had a 90 gallon FOWLR but had already pulled the trigger on my 220. I had no intentions of turning it into a reef. I just needed more space for my fish. After reading this site daily, I really had no choice...I was going reef! You can't sit back an watch all of the cool things people are doing and not join in. For over ten years, I never talked aquariums with anyone. I was in my own world aquarium-wise and my tank was a chore that I did once a month, if that. All of the interaction and ideas on here keep me motivated to keep my tank pristine. My tank is still a chore, but it's a chore that I like to do.
Started in 07/12, can't believe it has been that long already. Have learned a ton from this site and hope to keep learning and sharing my experiences with everyone.
Hello, I've been on CR since December 2013 and on it...constantly... lol. However all my info was lost due to the crash. Time to rebuild! I already ordered a shirt for me but I'm getting the lady into the hobby and the shirt will be a great encouragement. ;)
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I've only been on here for 4 months, but I'm addicted. I make fun of my friends for constantly checking Facebook, but now my wife makes fun of me because I'm on here every night.
Congrats CR !

I set a long term goal over two years ago and now things are really developing into what I imagined . Next goal is to sucessfully grow out my new sps frags. Now that I made it this far in the hobby, I'm all in now no turning back to my original ten gallon tank. Seems like it was just last week when i bought my first piece of live rock from none other than Mario from Aquatica
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