Harlequin shrimp!

Joe Lydon

New member
Hopefully the solution to my zoa eating asterinas! I want to thank TL for directing me to Aquapros, so I could scoop this little guy up. Picking up a couple large stars to throw in the sump and rotate cutting parts off, to keep this guy alive. Although, I have thousands of little brittle stars to keep him fat for awhile.


These little guys have a taste for purple hornet zoas.

And i can also always catch a couple of asterina stars from my tank if you get too low. I just throw them in my fuge.
Man mine never ate corals thank god just my coraline have a harliquin in there to slowly getting rid of those stars
I put a harlequin in my biocube 29 six weeks ago and all my little starfish are gone. Now I keep a choclate chip starfish in the 2nd chamber.when I see the harlequin out and about looking for food, I cut a little off the choc chip and drop it in the tank. He grabs it and drags it into the rocks.
Do any of u guys have any other shrimp in ur tanks, with the the harlequin shrimp?

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I have 3 peppermint shrimp, 3 emerald crabs and a bunch of hermits. I did notice when the harlequin got too close to an emerald, the emerald gave it a little snip. Looked like a fear/defense move, there was no pursuit.
Joe, do you have any other zoa in ur tank besides the purple hornet

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Yep, I have a bunch. I've seen asterina on other colonies, but it didn't anger me as much. When I caught them chomping on 1 of the 2 purple hornet polyps I have, I got a lil more proactive.